

Started by February 07, 2002 08:23 AM
2 comments, last by Solstice 22 years, 7 months ago
I am a college student and I have been interested (as well as actively pursuing) game development since I was in high school. Currently I am designing a RPG. I was wondering, would game companies want to see my own self-directed work, a game development portfolio as it were, in order to hire me? -Solstice "...I was given three choices, the earth, the stars, or...""...I was given three choices, the earth, the stars, or..."
Yes, but _video_ game companies will probably want a portfolio that includes programming or art work, not just ''designs'' and game systems.
Of course, I meant to say that I was "in the design phase"


"...I was given three choices, the earth, the stars, or...""...I was given three choices, the earth, the stars, or..."
If you can *finish* something a potential employer would be very interested in looking at it, yes.

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