
does TextOut work on Window XP?

Started by February 08, 2002 11:39 PM
3 comments, last by jdawg2 22 years, 7 months ago
I recently did my first ever "game" (I made pong! woohoo!), and I must admit that it was a great feeling seeing two paddles and a ball moving up and down the screen...but anyways, I sent my program to a friend who uses XP and she isn''t able to see the score, which I print out to the primary surface using lpddsprimary->GetDC, TextOut yadda yadda. I''m using Windows 98, and it works fine. Is this an XP quirk? DirectX drivers or something?
TextOut works fine for me in XP ...
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
well could you also send it to me at ? i''d also like to see it, pls, if possible, include the source code okey? thanks!
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
yeh i had the same prob that you had. i made the code on xp, and on xp it looked all fine...but then when i ran it on win98 the text was all misalligned. So i think if you make something in win98, and then run it on xp, then it will be all misalligned. if your textouting to somewhere all the way to the left or right, then why don''t you try it a little less left or right, and then see how it looks on win98. Since scores are usually on the side, i''m guessing that when you ran it on winxp it just went off of the screen because of misallignment.

well, my text is printed to the center of the screen...after the "ball" (ok, so it''s just a white square, lol) goes off screen, I have the game pause for 5 seconds and print out the updated scores to the middle of the screen.

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