
tile-based question

Started by February 09, 2002 11:07 AM
2 comments, last by cstack 22 years, 7 months ago
hello, well, of course im new to this, so i dunno if this is a stupid question. creating a tile based game, how to you place objects on the map that are bigger then 1 tile? IS the only way to split it up? ex i have a builing that is a sqaure, and would sit 3x3. do i have to break it up into 9 seperate bitmaps? Any suggestions, example are appreciated, thanks.
If you don''t split your graphics up you can get strange things happening - like the object being in front of something when its supposed to be behind because of its lengh/width - so the best way is to split your graphics up, yes.
Search the isometric forum for more opinions on this.

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You''ll have to have tile layers to be truly cool...
if you do it with layers you dont have to split it up...
but you should be careful about what order everything is being
drawn...draw things in the background first...
Yeah I know, easier said than done but...

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