
Newbiw In Need

Started by February 10, 2002 02:02 PM
1 comment, last by bboy_deano 22 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I am new to C++ programming. I have used other languages before these include Basic, Visual Basic and Delphi. I am starting to relate to how C++ works but I have decided to start programming my own game. I want to use C++ to make it because i think it is a much more powerful language. What I would like to know is: 1. What does HWND mean? 2. How do you initialize the Direct X API''s at the beginning of the programme? And Finally, 3. Should I programme a tile-based game or a 3D First-Person perspective game? Thanks For Any Comments I Know You Lot Like To Help Newbies! Bboy_Deano
Your questions are far too out of reach for someone who''s such an extreme novice like yourself, but here goes your answers...

1) HWND describes the handle to a window. Basically the name of any given window you''re working with. Simple enough, right?

2) THIS is a very broad, tough to answer question, seeing as how its an arduous task for newbies, and there are several components of DirectX. If I were you, I wouldn''t worry about DirectX OR Windows right now. They can both be pretty difficult for newbies.

3) A tile based program and 3rd person shooter are both unfeasable at your skill level. After you''ve gotten a good handle on C++, Windows programming, AND DirectX, you can attempt to start making games. And by games I mean arcade-type games. Guys like Carmack didn''t start off making Quake III. They had to learn what they know now first.

You seem to be getting ahead of yourself. Finish learning C++. Learn more about how the language in general works, and while you''re at it pick up on a bit of graphics and game programming theory. Then move onto Windows (and be patient with it, please ). After this, you should be ready to tackle a gaming API (like DirectX or OpenGL). Start on DX now and you''ll get burned... heavily.

1) HWND is a handle to a window. You need this in order to do darn near ANYTHING with a window. It is returned by the CreatWindowEx() call that you make near the beggining of your program...

2) That is a larger subject - I recommend checking out the tutorial section on this site - Nobody is gonna be able to give a quick answer to this question. DX is built on COM and COM is a pain in the rump.

3) Get something on the screen first... Then get some sound in the background... You got a LONG way to go before you even THINK about what type of a game to make.

My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.

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