
opengl, dx8 etc.

Started by February 10, 2002 08:57 PM
1 comment, last by blooper 22 years, 7 months ago
I apologize for sounding like a complete boob here but I find the posters here (for the most part anyways...) to be more than considerate in their responses and ability to answer any questions more quickly than even a google search (especially when time is rather limited). Anyway... I want to start playing around with graphics and such and I was wondering...what exactly is openGL? It is my vague "understanding" that it is a library of sorts for sound/graphics, not unlike directX? I was just wondering if anyone would be so kind as to give me a quick blurb about openGL and its function. Thanks.
To make a long story short here''s how it works. OpenGL is almost exactly like DirectGraphics in DirectX 8. One difference is that with OpenGL you just tell it what window to render to and it does it, it doesn''t handle switching to a fullscreen or to the right resolution or bit depth. You do that yourself through Win32 calls. It only handles 3D graphics, no 2D blitting, no access to the framebuffer, no sound. Have a look at, just read through the first 2 or 3 tutorials and you''ll see.

- outRider -

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