
What's wtih DevC++ compiler?

Started by February 24, 2002 09:02 PM
9 comments, last by Tac-Tics 22 years, 6 months ago
After repeated failure with getting things to work on BCC55, I''ve tried switching over to DevC++, but my problems refuse to relent. I made a little test program consisting of a simple "Person" class. It has private fields for name, age, and gender, 3 constructors (default, one asking for their name, age, and gender, and a copy), and then three accessor fields (one for each private field). Then I have the test program to impliment it. It requests the user''s name/age/gender. Then prints out their age. Trivial, but again, just a test. I kept everything in the same *.cpp file, added it to a DevC++ project and tried to compile it, but I got a slew of crazy errors, including, but not limited to: syntax error before '';'' parse error before ''n'' syntax error before''('' ''name'' undeclared (first use this function) (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.) ANSI C++ forbids declaration ''age'' with no type. ''g'' was not declared in this scope. .... .... It''s as if it doesn''t know what a class is =-( Earlier I was having more problems trying to get some Dx tutorial code to work, but I get more and more errors each time I compile (that''s how it feels anyway). How can I begin to learn more complicated things if I can''t get the begining tutorial code to run??? Problems like this don''t instill confidence in the workability of C++ compilers, I doubt I would ever spend a lot of money on a professional one if I''m just going to end up with more errors. I just don''t see how so many people are having fun with things like Direct X and game programming when I can''t get pre-made ready-to-work code examples to work. It''s really aggrivating and I''ve been trying to figure it out for about a week. I don''t want to invest money in a book on it, either, because I''m sure I''ll get it in the mail and find out I can''t get it to run. Can anyone help me out here? "I''''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."
First off, the errors are not in the compilier, you are causing them. Secondly, if you post your code, I''d be glad to help you out, I just can''t say much without seeing some code. And finally thirdly, DX is very hard to set up in DevC++, I''m not saying it can''t be done, but it is hard, it took me almost a month before I figured it out, and by then I just caved and bought VC++. So post your code and I''ll see if I can help or not.
Post your code, maybe we can spot the mistake. Often the silly little things are the hardest to notice.
quote: Original post by Tac-Tics
After repeated failure with getting things to work on BCC55, I''ve tried switching over to DevC++, but my problems refuse to relent.

I made a little test program consisting of a simple "Person" class. It has private fields for name, age, and gender, 3 constructors (default, one asking for their name, age, and gender, and a copy), and then three accessor fields (one for each private field).

Then I have the test program to impliment it. It requests the user''s name/age/gender. Then prints out their age. Trivial, but again, just a test.

I kept everything in the same *.cpp file, added it to a DevC++ project and tried to compile it, but I got a slew of crazy errors, including, but not limited to:
syntax error before '';''
parse error before ''n''
syntax error before''(''
''name'' undeclared (first use this function)
(Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
ANSI C++ forbids declaration ''age'' with no type.
''g'' was not declared in this scope.

It''s as if it doesn''t know what a class is =-(

Earlier I was having more problems trying to get some Dx tutorial code to work, but I get more and more errors each time I compile (that''s how it feels anyway). How can I begin to learn more complicated things if I can''t get the begining tutorial code to run???

Problems like this don''t instill confidence in the workability of C++ compilers, I doubt I would ever spend a lot of money on a professional one if I''m just going to end up with more errors. I just don''t see how so many people are having fun with things like Direct X and game programming when I can''t get pre-made ready-to-work code examples to work. It''s really aggrivating and I''ve been trying to figure it out for about a week. I don''t want to invest money in a book on it, either, because I''m sure I''ll get it in the mail and find out I can''t get it to run. Can anyone help me out here?

"I''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."

The first thing most people here will want is for you to post a snippet of code so we can try to figure out where the problem might be comming from. Now, as for your confidence in C++ compilers, once we you get the hang of C++''s objects, I''m sure it will change.

"And that''s the bottom line cause I said so!"


Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

"gitty up" -- Kramer
/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question --
Hash Bang Slash bin Slash Bash -- #!/bin/bash
[Cyberdrek | ]
OK, but first, how do I make those little code boxes for the forum? I''ve seen other people using them, but I don''t know how to do it myself.

"I''''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."

Edited by - lessbread on February 25, 2002 8:49:03 AM
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Thnx for the link to the FAQ. Only now does the big question mark link stand out for me to find =-)

  #include <iostream.h>class Person{private:	string name;	int age;	bool gender; // 1 = male 0 = femalepublic:	Person ();	Person (string n, int a, bool g);	Person (Person& p);	string getName ();	int getAge ();	bool getGender ();};Person::Person (){	name = "John";	age = 16;	gender = true;}Person::Person (string n, int a, bool g){	name = n;	age = a;	gender = g;}Person::Person (Person& p){	name = p.getName();	age = p.getAge();	gender = p.getGender();}string Person::getName (){	return (name);}int Person::getAge (){	return (age);}bool Person::getGender (){	return (gender);}int main (){	string n;	cout << "Enter name: ";	cin >> n;	cout << endl;	int a;	cout << "Enter age: ";	cin >> a;	cout << endl;	bool g;	cout << "Enter gender: ";	cin >> g;	cout << endl;	Person you(n, a, g);	cout << "Your age is " << you.getAge();	return (0);}  

Well there it is. I hope I''m not missing something obvious =-/

"I''''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."
A couple things I noticed immediately: You''re not including string. The string class is in the std namespace. I''ll try compiling it when I get the chance, and then I''ll find all of the problems (if no one else does that before me).

Simple error

replace the #include

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

-you cant use string if you don''t define it

Now if only you could cut and paste code sections without it becoming one big line...
N&V - that was the only error

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