
Hello forum.

Started by February 25, 2002 04:41 PM
0 comments, last by ForCripeSake 22 years, 6 months ago
Hey all, I''m new to the forums, figured I would Introduce myself. I''m an 18yr old HS senior, going to Purdue next year. I''ve Been Programming in C++ for 2 years via coures offered at my school, Ti-86 basic for about a year before that. For the most part, everything I''ve done has been in DOS, and I''ve just begun to venture into Windows Programming on my own. Now that 2nd Semester senior year has befallen me, my free time has increased proportionally to my not giving a damn about homework, so expect me to be a frequenter of these forums. I''m extremely interested in learning both Windows and DirectX programming; any advice ,help, or general knowledge people can give will be appreciated.
[source]cout<< "Hello, my name is Jerryn";cout<< "I am happyn";

You should check out - openGL - directX

They both have some pucka tutorials! Personally I prefer OpenGL as its easier to learn.

You mite wanna check out the following article, it compares DirectX to OpenGL and may help make up your mind which API to learn first.


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