
Algorithm books

Started by February 25, 2002 08:40 PM
2 comments, last by Nothingness 22 years, 6 months ago
I''ve been trying to programm for about a year and a half. I was wonder, why cant i get any better, then i notice, i dont no how to use what i learned. If you no no what i mean, i got books on how to do the different things in c++(like classes, arrays, pointers) but they dont, tell how to use them in real programms. I was wondering are their any books that teach algroitms that i will most-likely need in programming.
Take a look at this one
Yeah, "Introduction to Algorithms" is a great book. It''s well written and packed with information. There exercises are fun and challenging too. I definitely recommend it whether you''re a newbie or a professional.
I have Introduction to Algorithms and it is good. I actually bought it on sale several years before I even took an algorithms course. We used Sedgewick''s Algorithms in C in one of my classes, and that was a good book, too. O''Reilly''s Mastering Algorithms With C is also decent.

(Despite the fact that these 2 books mention C in the title, the concepts can easily be generalized)

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