

Started by February 28, 2002 06:41 AM
0 comments, last by GrandMLee 22 years, 6 months ago
I''m very proficient at coding C++. I have several OpenGL resources, and there are the DirectX tutorials here. The “Game Programming with OpenGL” book briefly hits on matrices but explains that they are beyond the scope of the book. You then work your way through the book and make your first (although somewhat lacking) first person shooter game. What I want to know is if I will have to learn how to use matrices at all.
If at first you don't succeed, use profanity and try, try again.
Yes you will have to learn matrices in order to do 3D games. Pretty much everyting dealing with coordinate systems needs matrices. If the book you have creates a 3d FPS and it says that matrices are beyond the scope of the book then I would buy another book.

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