
Digipen ... any good?

Started by March 02, 2002 09:58 AM
0 comments, last by myme15 22 years, 6 months ago
Does anyone know if Digipen is a good place to learn game programming? Is it easier to find a job after graduating from there because you went to a game development school, or harder to get one because you never went to a more conventional school to get a broader education? Is it a good idea to first go to another college and once you graduate go to Digipen to prep yourself for the game industry? (I hear that''s what some people do). Basically, I want to know whether going to Digipen in lieu (or in addition to) a traditional college is worth it. Thanks in advance. =)
I thought Digpen was more about 3d modeling and animation than Game Programming.

anyway my advice would be to go to a real college first, then go to digipen to specialise in games, all doctors take general medicine first and then specialise, why should it be different in this field?

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