
FOR SALE-(Not Warez!!)

Started by March 08, 2002 05:54 PM
-1 comments, last by Paul Johnson 22 years, 6 months ago
If anybody would be interested in buying my legal A5 3d Game Studio Commercial Edition second hand or exchanging in the same way(to one person only with the receipts and ownership etc)for either $125 or another engine/tool please reply. I have checked with Conitec first,and :if it was done with a family memeber(brother etc)or friend,it remains that persons responsability the same as it would to you(i.e can't give it to all your friends,the passwords,keys become your responsability)and will be changed to your name etc after i inform them of the sale/swap. It was bought 13 days ago and still has most of the 90 days support offered.The price was $199.00. i am asking $125.00 Paul. Iv'e recently edited this to say if any graphic artist/programmer or modellers/animators are willing to do something small towards the project i am working on,this would be another way of exchanging the tool over to you. Thanks. Paul. Edited by - paul johnson on March 8, 2002 6:56:21 PM Edited by - paul johnson on March 8, 2002 6:57:34 PM Edited by - paul johnson on March 9, 2002 3:42:25 PM

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