
Put this in perspective...........

Started by March 14, 2002 07:11 AM
2 comments, last by Dr Chi 22 years, 6 months ago
since games are becoming more advanced and complex all the time, in graphics and AI etc, IS it becoming harder to be a top level game programmer? Surely the road is becoming longer? u know? once pong was the most advanced game, and now it is good beginner''s practice. Will it be easy to program Doom or Mario one day, in the same way that it is relatively easy to program a tetris clone now?
I reckon the way ahead lies in specialisation- you wont program entire games on your own (not that you do now...), you''ll focus more on some aspect of AI or some aspect of graphics etc.

In OOP no one can hear you scream..
quote: Original post by Dr Chi
since games are becoming more advanced and complex all the time, in graphics and AI etc, IS it becoming harder to be a top level game programmer?

Surely the road is becoming longer?

u know? once pong was the most advanced game, and now it is good beginner''s practice. Will it be easy to program Doom or Mario one day, in the same way that it is relatively easy to program a tetris clone now?

I wouldn''t say so. Sure the games are getting more complex, but the methods of creating games are getting easier every day. Making pong in the good ol'' days used to be hard because you had to do everything from scratch, like the video drivers, input controls, etc... Today, you don''t have to worry about all that crap. You just pick an API, write a couple of lines of code and you have something up on the screen.

Not to mention although the games are getting more complex, the games are also being programmed by more people. In the days of adventure(c), not only did the same guy have to program all the input and output crap (like poisler said), but they also had to create the entire game (from scratch) and all the graphics and "sounds" (bleep bleep).

"I''ve learned something today: It doesn''t matter if you''re white, or if you''re black...the only color that REALLY matters is green"
-Peter Griffin
"I've learned something today: It doesn't matter if you're white, or if you're black...the only color that really matters is green"-Peter Griffin

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