
Lighting help in Max 4

Started by March 14, 2002 10:11 PM
1 comment, last by Atomic Mass 22 years, 5 months ago
Can some one point me in the right direction of alot of lighting tutorials or something. I am having alot of trouble getting lighting in Max 4. All lighting gives me trouble. From creating an enviroment light to giving an engine a jet of fire coming out of it. Any help on lighting anyone can give please do.
If you want to learn Max, the best way to go about it is to buy a book (or more than 1).

Check out Amazon, and see which ones people recommend - there are a lot of helpful reviews on Max books up there.

I would suggest 3ds max 4 Bible (isbn 0-7645-3584-6) it goes into the details of not only lighting but also every tool that Max 4 has to offer. Not only is it a good learning tool, but very useful for reference aswell.

If you are looking for something more specific then there are books dedicated to the subject that go into all the science etc.

Although all max books are big and therefore expensive you will learn a lot more from them than you would from a dedicated tutorial.

good luck

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