

Started by March 20, 2002 05:01 AM
3 comments, last by thibcour 22 years, 5 months ago
Hi! Just a quick question about how to apply a texture to a mountain...If someone can help me, I think I'll be grateful forever... It's for a game, and I've got to use the Unwrap modifier, I'm using a seamless texture, and right now, it's a real pain...The main reason is that if I apply a planar map to all my polygons, I've got problems because some polygons join with really strong angles, and it results in a distortion of the texture (it's a low-poly mountain). And if I apply a planar map to each of the polygons, first it's _really_ long, and I can't have something seamless, because the uvs, of course, can't perfectly touch each others. Well, I don't know if anybody's going to understand my problem, because it's kind of really badly explained... Oh well...anyway thanx in advance, bye tib (BTW, I'm using 3dsmax 4) Edited by - thibcour on March 20, 2002 6:02:45 AM
Maybe you could use an uncapped cylinder projection, max has that right? Then you could just take a nice hi res picture of a mountain and distort it acordingly. Of course I haven''t tried this but it makes sense(if only a little).
The only way I know to do this is the hard way. Apply a planar map like you''re using, but use unwrap uvw to undistort the texture. It will be easier if you use a checkerboard texture so the distortion is easy to see.

That''s actually what I''ve been doing, but the problem is that it takes forever to do...I just wondered if there was a quicker way. And as well, sincce it''s low poly, most of the polys have strong angles, and, once the world is loaded in the game engine, there are problems with the mip mapping since I can''t quite keep the exact texture ratio between each of the polys.
Well, I suppose next time, I''ll have to texture it while it''s still flat, and then make the relief.

Oh, and I can''t use a cylinder projection, not with an Unwrap modifier...

Cheers anyway

It must be a very tough problem since they hasn''t solved it successfully in Wizardry 8 lol
" de sagittis ungarorum libera nos Domine"West-European pray in 900AD

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