
A few beginner C++ questions

Started by April 03, 2002 03:40 PM
7 comments, last by Antonis Demetrios 22 years, 5 months ago
I am learning C++ in school with the Turbo C++ compiler. At home, though, I have Visual C++ 6.0. Anyway, I can''t use the very necessary functions clrscr() or getch() on VC++. I was wondering if anyone knows what the equivilent would by on VC++. I''m not sure this is the best forum for this question, but because it''s a beginners one and I''m a beginner, I hope I made the right choice. Thanks in advance. (note: I''m not a Windows programmer, yet, so any responses must deal with, ugh, DOS) I''ll think of a signature later...
______________________________I'm a Greek advocating the resurrection of the Byzantine Empire. Join me.
getch() is in conio.h, are you including it?
as for clrscr() theres system("cls") or you just simply print a load of newlines to the screen thus clearing it
Doh! You''re right! getch() does work! Sorry for my stupidity. Anyway, cls doesn''t. Any ideas why? Special syntax or anything? Do I just type cls?

I''ll think of a signature later...
______________________________I'm a Greek advocating the resurrection of the Byzantine Empire. Join me.
Oh, wait--I see. I type:


... and that clears the screen. I''ll give it a shot. Thanks.

Hey, wait, no, it doesn''t work. What''s going on here? Do I need to include a special file or something? Please respond or I''ll die.

I''ll think of a signature later...
______________________________I'm a Greek advocating the resurrection of the Byzantine Empire. Join me.
Someone posted an implementation of clrscr for VC++ somewhere in these forums earlier and you can also find it in forum FAQ on
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
you need to add at the top of your program, #include <windows.h> that should do the trick!
You can just write your own clrscr():

  void ClearScreen(){for(int i =0; i < 25; i++)cout<<"\n"; //or cout<<endl;}  

that just prints out 25 new lines, effectivly clearing away the screen
President: Video Game Development Club of UCI
You can just write your own clrscr():

  void ClearScreen(){for(int i =0; i < 25; i++)cout<<"\n"; //or cout<<endl;}  

that just prints out 25 new lines, effectivly clearing away the screen
Sorry about the double post
President: Video Game Development Club of UCI

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