
What program to buy?

Started by April 10, 2002 08:20 PM
6 comments, last by programmer2 22 years, 4 months ago
I''m wondering what 3D modeler I could afford, that is also pretty good. I''m a beginner in 3D programming, and would like to have a relatively good one, maybe a learning edition of something?
Wow, this question is SO old. Here is a list of 3d modelers

  • Blender... It''s free. It''s powerful. But ya gotta search for it now that the main site is down. Have patience - it is out there.
  • Milkshape... Free for 30 days, then $20 registration. Low poly modeler that is pretty easy and quick to learn. Tons of import/export options.
  • Maya, Lightwave, 3D Studio Max... The kings of modelers. With a king''s ransom for a price tag.

Take your pick. I use Blender!

My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.
I am a beginner too. I have a free magazine disc with Caligari Truespace3 SE on it. What is the opionion on this software?
how about using the search feature to find the threads where all these products have been discussed a hundred times?
Lightwave 7 is now available for $395 to students.
A really good one is Rhinoceros 3D( It costs about $700+

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I'll have a link to the TriFaze website as soon as possible. It's still currently being designed, by myself of course! =) I'll update the URL and my signature as soon as possible.Feel free to send me a message on Yahoo! or AOL IM™. =)
Download Blender at:

"cogito, ergo sum" -Descartes
"cogito, ergo sum" -Descartes
There''s also Hash Animation:Master. Look at

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