
Enumerated Constants

Started by April 13, 2002 10:40 AM
1 comment, last by Noxxid 22 years, 5 months ago
I keep getting errors in this program when I try to run it and I can''t seem to find what''s wrong. Thanks for any and all help.
#include <iostream.h>

int main()
 enum Days { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,  A_Saturday };
 Days DayOff;
 int x;

 cout << "What day would you like off (0-6)? ";
 cin >> x;
 DayOff = Days(x);

 if (Dayoff == Sunday || DayOff == Saturday)
    cout << "\nYou''re already off on weekends!\n";
    cout << "\nOkay, I''ll put in the vacation day.\n";
"Classes will dull your mind destroy the potential for authentic creativity"
choose between enumerated type A_Saturday and Saturday.
make sure you are consistent with variable names (you have DayOff in one place and Dayoff in another: choose one or the other, not both).
quote: if (Dayoff == Sunday || DayOff == Saturday)

Dayoff should be DayOff to keep consistent capitalization.

quote: enum Days { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, A_Saturday };

Looking back at that same line, you don''t have a "Saturday" declared, only "A_Saturday," which will cause a problem.

Lastly, you need to return an int at the end of your main(), since it''s declared int main(). So just put return 0; before your last closing brace.

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