
new sprite tutorials

Started by April 17, 2002 07:51 AM
12 comments, last by st0ven 22 years, 4 months ago
Hello everyone. For those of you who are interested in making rpg or fighter sprites, and are looking for another resource on the web to helpgo through the steps of making them, i have compiled a tutorial to help (hopefully) teach how to make character sprites. i hope to expand it to cover all sorts of game art (2d) this summer. check it out at under the tutorial section. i remember seeing posts before hand that were interested in knowing when i finished making the first wave of tutorials, so enjoy, and i hope that you may find them beneficial -steve
Very cool tutorial... just an fyi... when I click ''Next'' on the fighter sprite tutorial (page 3)... I get brought back to page 3 over and over again.
- James
thanks for the broken link info. The ''snk style'' fighter sprite tutorial is not up yet, so i will just send you back to the main tut page for now.
Great tuts, I gotta point out a typo though or I won''t be able to sleep at night. In section 4A of the Fighter Sprite tut (fighter3.htm) it in the section talking about the inverse anti-aliasing technique.
Notice that the example on the right has solid, continuous outlines enveloping the arm and gi. If you were to scroll that image across a sand background that has a similar color to the outline of the arm on the right, chances are that you are going to lose visual with the outline of the arm. We solve this situation with the example on the right by ''capping'' the outermost exposed pixels of the sprite with a darker color.

I think it should say, "the example on the left has solid".

Thanks for the tutorials. I''m pumped up now, gotta go start on my sprites!
Great work st0ven, you are a life saver. I''ve been working on sprites and scenery for a simple 2D tile engine I plan to make. Until now Tsugumo''s tuts were the best resource I had for sprites and scenery. His tuts are great but the sprite tut only cover 16x16 sprites. I can still make some decent sprites with that but they end up being more suitable for children then adults and I been having trouble try to convert them much bigger. I haven''t gone through the entire sprite tut yet but your explanation of the 16x24 sprites is exactly what I needed. Heck I just measured the doors and they are 24 tall, perfect! Anyways great work man, keep it up, I''m looking forward to future tuts. Btw I''m jealous of your skill in the fighter sprites.
TechnoHydra, Tsugumo''s tuts are very good indeed, and he even made a ''cell shading'' tutorial that is seperate from his main site, but i found it crushing that he covered only such small sprites. i thought that i might have some extra info to offer as far as proportions and shading as far as ff6 and SoM type characters, so i wrote the tut. In the future (this summer ) i plan on extending them to cover not only character sprites, but object sprites, tiles, and backgrounds (for battle scenes, fighting scenes, etc). so check for a nice update in about a month or so... i should at least have the animation tutorials up by then . thanks for all the positive feedback
Is dead already or is my connection to the Internet just trashed? I can''t load the site! is dead for me too
sorry guys, the server is down right now, but im in the process of swiching to a more reliable server. it will be up in a week at the absolute latest.
Yo steve. How big is your site?
If you ned some temp space I''ll hook you up. We have 170MB free at

Hit me up at my e-mail.



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