
3D Modelling Books?

Started by April 17, 2002 04:09 PM
2 comments, last by jeacock 22 years, 4 months ago
Does anyone per chance know where i can purchase some 3D modelling books. Some professional ones not novice ones. Thank you. [edited by - jeacock on April 19, 2002 11:28:35 AM]
Two suggestions:

1) Post in the appropriate forum. If you don''t understand which forum is appropriate, please check the FAQ.

2) You''ll probably get a more positive and helpful response from people if you take the time to write properly, rather than abbreviating.

I''ve moved your post to the appropriate forum.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
I can only really speak on the books pertaining to the software I work in: 3d Studio Max.

I use:
3D Studio Max R3 In Depth by the Coriolis Group
Courseware from Discreet

and when I was beginning:
Learn 3D Studio Max in 14 days (not that it really lasts only 14 days if you work with it a lot).

I think there were a couple of other books I used early on, but I can''t find them. And I strongly recommend practicing with the tutorials that come with 3D Max (found via the Help menu) and look around online. You''ll find TONS of help online at sites such as, and the 3dcafe. Not all tutorials are created equal though! Some are great, and others are a waste of web-space.

Good luck!
Charles Galyon
Charles GalyonPresidentNeoPong Software, Inc.

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