
GameDev Title

Started by April 26, 2002 02:42 AM
3 comments, last by sakky 22 years, 4 months ago
Hey, I''v been playing around with font in PhotoShop nad made aGameDev title for some. Its at my web site under Art Gallery. I just wanted to know if there was a spot on GameDev that showed off art for games or what ever that other people made.
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this would be the spot to show off your (game) art. Your Photoshop things look like pretty basic filter work, try and do something original with it.
Like, how do you mean original? Lot of what I do is with filters. Actually I just added a little interface to the site a few minutes ago. Not realy a interface but a ugly, rocky, screwed up metal looking thang with buttons. I gues you could call it a interface because I''v seen smaller or worse on other web sites. I''m just not realy use to PhotoShop yet. So I''m trying as hard as I can to master it. I have PaintShopPro 7.00 nad PhotoShop 5.0, so I should be in well enought shape to make som cool graphics. I love making graphics but I''m always looking for some inspiration and good tips and tricks. I got sick of using MS Paint.

I don''t understand what you mean by original tho? Like try to do what? I''m not getting it. Do you mean drawing my own pictures then scanning them or somthing? Thats how I got that idea for my interface. Thats actually how I get the ideas for all my grahpics. I draw them out on paper then try my best to run them throught the scanner with out screwing them up. Later when I get more money I''ll get one of theouse computer drawing pad thangs.

I love my filter tho. They make every thang look so much better. Its easy to use a blur method then to use the color bar in MS Paint and constantly changing shades and using the pencil to make a blur like look to a grahpic. That suck and I don''t want to do that any more.

Multy media is the shit and Visual and Graphic arts is the best that to work in and play with. I love making a little workd and then chaging or adding thangs in its inviorment. I feel like I could float off in my places and graphics I make because I try to put sentimental into them. Sort of like my own little children running around on the web or something.
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Just a critque:

But the logo looks very old school. Very Atari style looking. Maybe something that is total eye-candy would be better.

It doesn''t really grab your attention and say, "Look at Me!!!!"


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Oh, I see now. I got the idea for the title because I was looking throught some tutorials and found one on how to make 2 tone TEXT. I then saw the sky and sandy land horizon look in my mind. I wanted to make some text look cool and I couldn''t think of any thang else to put type that would look good. So I chose GameDev. Why not?

I hear alot about this eye candy thang. What exactly is it, or what does it mean? Something that just stands out or has some good filtering to it? I''v never realy seen any examples realy, that show any more the some glares and sparkles with a gradient or light source. I try to be createive but its kinda hard or impssible to come up with an all-original idea that no one else would have thought of to do. Its almost hard enought to try and dig deep down inside and pull some awsome award winning art out of my ass. Now people want to tell me I need to be original, he he he.

The title was supose to look Atari like, or have that ''Super Nintendo Tank game land scape'' sort of look. I found that the harder I try, the worse I get.

What about my interface tho? Is it pretty good? I''m always ready to just jump right into thangs and play with stuff to see what I can come up with. S I tried to make a little interface for my sad, sad web site.

I would like to make more graphics for game type stuff tho. Like tiles, sprites, explosions and what not. Just the whole graphical art stuff almost, but more into somthing that can be used more often and in a game. It would be cool to find a tutorial on sprite design and editing with photoshop, or just some tips that I could use. I''m always willing to learn somthing new or go over what I already do know.
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