
game engine

Started by April 26, 2002 08:45 AM
1 comment, last by Ed Johnson 22 years, 4 months ago
is it terribly hard to build a game engine with not alot of c++ experience? and im talking about a full 3d engine, too. also, are gui''s very hard?
Okay, think of a TWO year old trying to draw a Mona Lisa when s/he has never seen a pencil (just my hypocritic 2 cents).
Probably will be hard w/o a lot of experience. Depends alot on ur math skills, as I have seen a lot of it looking through others'' source. I don''t know for sure really, as I haven''t written one. I doubt it would be easy, and you cant really do much without a DirectX SDK, and a visual thingy to design ur ppl/things in. First u gotta do skeleton modeling, then a whole bunch of other stuff.
PUT SIMPLY: Not gonna B EZ

Why don''''t we just kill the guys who write error messages. It''''d make our lives a hell of a lot easier
Gimme a break, I''''m Just 13 (14 in JULY)
Depends on the game/engine that you''re writing. If you want a game engine for a FPS, its'' different than a game engine for an RPG, or RTS, etc, etc. Most engines require a good knowledge of the language you are making it in. If you start writing it now, when you learn more, you''ll realize how badly structured it is and probably want to re-write it (but, it is the best way to learn). I wrote my first 3d engine about 1 month into learning C, and this was the days when we had Dos, and VGA mode 13h to play with... so no external libraries or anything. Of course I had a general knowledge of programming and structure because I knew qbasic and pascal at the time. You should be able to get a 1/2 way decent game engine working (nothing fancy, and probably not very well structured.

zackriggle: "You can''t really do much without a DirectX SDK". I''m at a loss of words... I have NEVER installed the DirectX SDK, and I have no problems writing my game engines without it . I''m assuming you meant, and external library for graphics and component i/o (keyboard, mouse, sound, etc). They help, but they aren''t necessary... someone has to write them, and it is possible to write your own (although, I would recommend it as it''s time consuming, and more or less a waste of time, unless you''re going to market it).

Billy -

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