
any tutorials out there?.

Started by May 17, 2002 02:09 AM
5 comments, last by mrtech 22 years, 3 months ago
is there any tutorials on creating textures using photoshop and creating 3dobjects and sprites using 3dstudiomax?. Is a Background a sprite?.
Google is a great search engine, it can find tutorials pretty well.

No, a background isn''t a sprite, but you could have sprites in your background to create the illusion of movement. Generally a sprite is a moving character.

There used to be a hardware difference between sprites and backgrounds on older machines (C64, Amiga, etc) but now they''re both just bitmaps.

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How To Ask Questions The Smart Way | Google can help with your question | Search MSDN for help with standard C or Windows functions
what maths is required for computer art?.
what format is a background ussally?.
Little or no maths are required for using a paint program to draw your background.

Backgrounds are often BMPs, as there are Windows functions to load them already (these can be found in the MSDN, look for "LoadImage").

You don''t need a full stop after a question mark by the way.

Helpful links:
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way | Google can help with your question | Search MSDN for help with standard C or Windows functions
I''m looking for a real good artist to join my game team anyone interested?.
I''m looking for moddeling/sketching skills.

Dammit man, use the Help Wanted forum.

Helpful links:
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way | Google can help with your question | Search MSDN for help with standard C or Windows functions

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