
Check out our new screenshots

Started by May 29, 2002 11:15 AM
15 comments, last by Verin 22 years, 3 months ago
Check out the new Centurion Lance screenshots here. Also drop by our forum to let us know what you think. ---------------------------- ClownKeep
---------------------------- ClownKeep
Thanks very much!


---------------------------- ClownKeep
Very nice ^_^

Thank you too! heh


---------------------------- ClownKeep
I like those textures, did you make them in PhotoShop? I like the mountain view pictures alot. Terrain, is such a wondefull thang to rend.
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox
quote: Original post by sakky
I like those textures, did you make them in PhotoShop? I like the mountain view pictures alot. Terrain, is such a wondefull thang to rend.

Yes, they are created in photoshop and then are mixed in the engine.


---------------------------- ClownKeep
Eh.... Uhh... Damn that looks good! :D
The plane-thing model looks a little dull, but apart from that the game looks mighty fine!
quote: Original post by Ganryu
Eh.... Uhh... Damn that looks good! :D
The plane-thing model looks a little dull, but apart from that the game looks mighty fine!

Yeah, that''s just a test model, the screens are there to show the terrain.
---------------------------- ClownKeep
quote: Original post by Ganryu
Eh.... Uhh... Damn that looks good! :D
The plane-thing model looks a little dull, but apart from that the game looks mighty fine!

Yeah, that''s just a test model, the screens are there to show the terrain.
---------------------------- ClownKeep

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