
Chrono Trigger Re-make that's not a Re-make

Started by May 31, 2002 12:03 AM
7 comments, last by aramstudios 22 years, 3 months ago
Ok, I just want the graphics and battle system. I am not going to use the same characters, character models (sorry, drawings), music, story, plot device (time machine), or stuff like that. I just love it SO MUCH! I need some people to make 2D pixel drawings like the original game, but not the same. It will be anime but not Japanese. I''m thinking it''ll be based in the Dark Ages in the middle of some other universe. If anyone is interested, post here and e-mail me at COOLNESS!
_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
there are many project about it for rpgmaker


"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
Listen, I just want certain aspects of the gameplay. I don''t want to make it about Chrono Trigger. I want to make it like it in respect to the graphics and certain parts of the battle system. Get that?

_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
For F-R-E-E ?

repeat, there are many project, artist and more using rpgmaker, you can check in google some group and talk about you project, because it required a lot of artist job and nobody job for a newbies a unknown.

-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
Who said I was a newbie? I''ve been on the game design forum for a year or so. What makes you think I''m unknown anyway? I''ve developed quite a few games in flash. So shut-up before you talk dude.

_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
Have you made any <b>real</b> games before? Any finished projects? And you really think you''re ready for such a huge task like this?
A year or so? I would say that is still newbie Ive been coding for 5 years and would still consider myself a newbie in some aspects. Believe me a year is not that long at all. Also why is the title of your post chrono trigger? Juest say you are making an rpg with a battle system similar to chrono triggers (which by the waay I agree with you that its awsome) that is 2d and tile based. So what is your post about are you looking for help?
A year or so? I would say that is still newbie Ive been coding for 5 years and would still consider myself a newbie in some aspects. Believe me a year is not that long at all. Also why is the title of your post chrono trigger? Juest say you are making an rpg with a battle system similar to chrono triggers (which by the waay I agree with you that its awsome) that is 2d and tile based. So what is your post about are you looking for help?
quote: Have you made any real games before? Any finished projects? And you really think you're ready for such a huge task like this?

He shouldn't have to justify himself. He wants to make a game - let him!
quote: A year or so? I would say that is still newbie Ive been coding for 5 years and would still consider myself a newbie in some aspects. Believe me a year is not that long at all.

You shouldn't try to pull rank on him. He wants to make a game - LET HIM!
quote: Also why is the title of your post chrono trigger? Juest say you are making an rpg with a battle system similar to chrono triggers (which by the waay I agree with you that its awsome) that is 2d and tile based. So what is your post about are you looking for help?

Read his first post. He states clearly what he wants.

These boards are filled with such whiners! If you're interested in helping him then get in touch with him, as requested. I'm quite sure I didn't read anything in his first post that said "hey everybody! I want you to tell me that I can't do what I want!"

[edited by - Alimonster on June 1, 2002 12:50:56 PM]

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