
Screenshots + Artists wanted

Started by June 02, 2002 11:12 AM
4 comments, last by DaMuzza 22 years, 3 months ago
I''m looking for artists to help me complete a project of mine. You can check out screenshots here: (currently using artwork either by me, or ''borrowed'' from various websites) For more details of the game, check out this thread from the gamedev design forum: If any artists are interested in helping me, please e-mail at or reply here. I primarily need character/monster models with animations, but I''ll also need map designers and 2D graphics for various screens. I have a pretty powerful object editor where you can apply all sorts of model effects such as those found in Quake3 but doing it all visually rather than in a script. I can import models for Quake2, Quake3, Half-Life or directly from 3DS-Max4 (with a bit of work), although bone models (like Half-Life''s) are most preferable due to memory considerations. Anyway, hope you like the screenshots, feedback is welcome. Just remember its all temporary artwork at the moment!
I liked the screenshots.

Wow, your world editor and object editor are pretty impressive I''m generally not a fan of writing tools and most of mine have just been command-line deals, heh - Just click it.
I hate writing tools too, but if you force yourself to do a good job or it, your productivity and quality will increase dramatically.

I''m not having much luck with finding artists yet.
Does anyone know any good spots artists like to hang out at so I can umm... try to pick some up? lol.
Try or, maybe that''ll help. Good luck!

2D now!

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