
A question...

Started by June 03, 2002 10:00 PM
1 comment, last by Ragadast 22 years, 3 months ago
Can I make questions about basic AI on this forum? I tried on the AI one, but they seem not to give answers to people who asks about the basics of AI to make little, short and simple games.
...why don''t you just ask...?
Its only been one day since you posted. You''ve already got two good replies, you just have to understand that the AI forum is not visited everyday (most of the people who frequent it are not fanatical about being on Gamedev 24/7, unlike some of the people in the Lounge). I would suggest that you give a little time for them to see your message and reply.

In response to your actual question
>Can I make questions about basic AI on this forum?

If you have questions about basic AI (chess is not basic, pong is basic) go right ahead and post them here. Just keep in mind that if you''re question is AI related then the people who will know something about it are in the AI forum.

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