
A soul in search of answers...

Started by June 04, 2002 11:22 AM
1 comment, last by Ganryu 22 years, 3 months ago
I was kinda playing around in adobe yesterday... And here''s the result: I could need guidance from an adobe guru of how i could improveme this thing. The thing i know i should''ve done is made it less obvious that i used the difference clouds filter. Anything else? Btw: I kinda liked how the red/brownish tiles turned out... :D I love to experiment with colours!
For you lazy people:

After 6+ edits: YES! It worked! :D

[edited by - Ganryu on June 5, 2002 9:52:09 AM]
Skitsnyggt för säg, ett tempel?

hör av dej om du vill ge bort ditt verk!


[edited by - Apoztel on June 5, 2002 10:02:39 AM]

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