
Writing the program

Started by June 14, 2002 07:50 PM
14 comments, last by MasterJediR2D2 22 years, 3 months ago
Software piracy is. I know software costs a lot.. but the standard version of VC++ isn''t that expensive. And Bloodshed is a reasonable compiler. I use VIDE with BC++ at work.. it suffices (I use it in my lunch hour)
i don''t exactly think this guy should be coding...he doesn''t know what a text editor is...or what ones are installed on his system.
Sup guys?
quote: Original post by SuperRoy
i don''t exactly think this guy should be coding...he doesn''t know what a text editor is...or what ones are installed on his system.

Give the guy a break. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? As long as he doesn''t ask "How do I make Quake 4????" he''s on the right track.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
quote: "how can you make Quake 4?"

how can you?

Can someone be nice and help me on my way to be the next Hideo Kojima? Thought So...
Ok now i just downloaded a c++ compiler.

How do I run it? its has a bunch of library stuff but i cant find the actual compiler.

Its called:Dm 8.28 c++ compiler

Maybe i should download a different one.
quote: Original post by Pipo DeClown or .net im not realy sure! ;-)
And there are they''re are a lot of compilers you can download

[edit]Dev-C++ you can download legally so, f*** *ff...

Two things:
1) "so, f*** *ff" is very rude, and shows that you have little or no respect (or more accurately maturity)
2) Any free compiler can be legally downloaded from the creators website, many times there is even source code for the compiler. Using a spyware file sharing trojan like kazaa indicates that you are looking for files outside of the normal distribution channels. This is called warez or pirated software. Besides, even if someone was offering "bloodshed" on kazaa, it would not be safe to download, as the software did not come the makers website, it could easily be a trojan virus renamed to look like the real thing.

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