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Latest Raytracing Activity

Hi all,

I haven't been here for a while but wanted to let you know that I started a new series of articles on my blog, this time on real-time voxel ray tracing on the CPU. Nine articles are planned, three have been completed so far. Each episode starts with the same code and then introduces a ray tr…

Forward path tracing, part 2 -- announcing results after months of tinkering LOL

Yay, some progress : )

Using the commands, i was able to mount the additions disc in Garuda Linux for the first time. I can not update this OS, it says something about missing keys. Trying to install additions anyway, i see compiler errors, probably related to the new Zen Kernel. And i do not really…

Path tracing in Vulkan

The fog is not cooperating with me LOL

Looks good, except for some glitches.

So, to get around the glitches, I'm re-doing the fog from scratch.


operakala said:
I understand that ray tracing can be real-time, as in games, and, so to speak,

It's generally referred to as offline rendering when you're (pre)rendering non-real-time approach and real time/interactive rendering when rendering with immediate output once frame is finished.

operakala sa…

Splitting rays. How to accumulate color?

Nevermind… I got Fresnel refraction working:


Two little せいれい is living inside my head.

One of them recommends to pipelinize the rasterization even more. Try reorganizing the commands, try searching things that can save you one or two clocks everywhere, do everything you can again and again, and everything will sort out itself.
The another one s…


You can write your ray tracer with shaders in dx11 or opengl, or it can be implemented it in opencl. 
But it will not use nvidias dedicated shader cores. But probably they will get thrown out eventually from the chip anyway due to the lack of interest.
It makes no sense to change an api for such…


Frantic PonE said:
Yeah the cards are kind of simple really, they're just kind of like an inverse cubemap. In the simplest case you take your six axis aligned cards from orthographic cameras pointing inwards to generate the cards, then on hit you project from hit to card to find your radiance. …

Unorthodox shadowing approach foolish?

Have you looked into the “shadow volume” technique (a-la Doom 3)? That might perhaps prove to be a useful alternative to shadow mapping--I imagine especially if your scene is fairly low-poly.


I've set the the flag VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR::flags to VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_ALLOW_UPDATE_BIT_KHR in my intial TLAS build. Then i try to update the 3x4 matrix so i can rotate my triangle every frame. Here's the TLAS update code

VkAccelerationStructureGeometryKHR accele…
Infinity 3D graphics engine

Hello, I would like to bring to the attention of game developers a new emerging real-time ray tracing 3D graphics engine.

Some stand out features of this graphics engine are ray traced shadows, ray traced 3D geometry (no triangulation, no rasterization), 9X adaptive supersampling FSAA and not requir…

Just uploaded some samples about ray tracing using compute shader to GitHub. It’s a kind of tutorial to help people learn how ray tracing works so it’s not as fast as hardware ray tracing. But it’s quite helpful if you want to know the knowledge behind current ray tracing hardware. Enjoy it :)


The Bright Side of Ray-Traced Global Illumination

[Recommended: read the original blog post "Unity ray-traced global illumination" for proper interactive content]

Let's get back to ray tracing with global illumination in Unity. Discover what global illumination is and choose the better fit for your game:

  • Baked GI
  • Screen-space Raster GI
  • Screen-Space Ra…

All games so far only use raytracing as an optional part of the pipeline, other than an obscure game called Claybook and a 3DMark benchmark.

Rasterization is always used for primary visibility in all those other games.

The Dark Side Of Ray-Traced Ambient Occlusion (RTAO)

In this post, you will learn the magic behind Unity Ray-Traced Ambient Occlusion (RTAO).

Today, you will see:

  • What ambient occlusion will do for you
  • The visual superiority of Ray-Traced Ambient Occlusion (RTAO) over Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)

Let's get your game to look the way you always in…

5 Signs You Need Ray-Tracing Now

Developing your game in Unity? Then you need to pay attention to 5 signs that reveal you should to move into Ray-tracing.

Let's celebrate this new series on Ray-tracing in Unity here at The Gamedev Guru.


Ok, that celebration will do for now.

In this new series, you will learn how to craft high…

Worsening sampling quality of raytracing with increasing distance from world origin

@LandonJerre WorldRayDirection() is giving same effects as using boolean payload. Problem was that perspective matrix had very short Z_NEAR and Z_FAR values (0.01f and 200.0f). By changing it to much higher range (10.0f, 20000.0f), problem with jaggies and artifacts disappears. Thank you for help.


Why with a cam->vec (0, 1, 0) or (0, -1, 0), a rotation on the yaw axis is actually made on the roll axis ? 
Is it the gimbal lock? It is present only for these two axes? How to fix this problem?


I had to normalize right and up.


Thank you very much for your help. 
Finally, this helped me :

I still have to calculate the angles and manage the interval.

Raytracing in DX12/DXR - ray generated in single direction

For anybody who find similar problem - remember to transpose your projectionToWorld matrix. I thought that I've tried all configuration, but it turned out, that I was only trying transposing matrix, which was a result of multiplying of transposed view and projection matrix.

To do that correctly, you…
