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Borders and a Goal

Published November 10, 2018

I decided to call this entry "Borders and a Goal" just to make it easier to remember than "Progress Report 10-Nov". I feel like I've spent the majority of time downloading and going through free effects packs, mostly fruitlessly. Kind of starting to hate particle systems, to be honest. From the beginning I imagined that I could actually draw at least fire by hand... which is, of course, not necessarily a piece of cake, but I'd feel more productive than this.

It also turned out that my worries about glitches in the standalone were unfounded. Well, they only come up at qualities below good, I think. Which is an easy fix.

Brainstormed a lot about such aspects of gameplay as how to limit the play area, what to have as pick ups, and especially what to have as the goal, while staying with the theme. Managed to implement some parts in today's video. Speaking of which:

Oh, and finally, redid the normals for one tile type properly (baking from a higher-poly mesh), and as expected, any supernatural lighting behavior disappears. Actually comparing the two textures on the Unity preview sphere it's pretty clear that something's wrong. It's like its back side manages to catch light from the front. I'd say it's more of a hypersphere than a simple sphere, which could be interesting if I could produce this result on purpose.


First - old; second - new.

2 likes 8 comments



Damn!!  This is awesome!!  Only critique, the player character is hard to see, it doesn't stand out at all.  With all the awesome going on here, you may want to highlight your super cool character as well. :D

November 10, 2018 06:56 PM

Nice work! I like your demo level. :) 

November 10, 2018 07:22 PM


On 11/10/2018 at 9:56 PM, Septopus said:

Damn!!  This is awesome!!  Only critique, the player character is hard to see, it doesn't stand out at all.  With all the awesome going on here, you may want to highlight your super cool character as well. :D

Yeah, and I'm kind of not sure what to do about it. I wish I had started with a brighter palette, so I could make this toon-shaded, or whatever, and so a bright-blue character would be prominent on gray tiles... Or maybe that's not it at all... That's another part where I wish that I had a more experienced person that I could ask for advice. It's either the way I do lighting or the way I painted the character... well, probably both.

November 11, 2018 07:24 PM

It's a work in progress, and a pretty nice one so far.  Maybe you  could make the materials on the character a little more shiny/reflective or something?  Dunno, don't think you need to redesign anything, I'm sure there is a little tweak you can find that will make the character pop just a little bit more. ;)


November 11, 2018 07:59 PM
14 hours ago, Septopus said:

It's a work in progress, and a pretty nice one so far.  Maybe you  could make the materials on the character a little more shiny/reflective or something?  Dunno, don't think you need to redesign anything, I'm sure there is a little tweak you can find that will make the character pop just a little bit more. ;)


Maybe you're right. I've been kind of reticent with respect to specularity, because... well, PBR specularity confuses me. But I've set smoothness to half in this video:

I've also read in some blog to add a back light. Anyway, what do you think about the current situation? I think it's better but I personally can't tell how much. And maybe CyberFlea is too shiny now.

November 12, 2018 10:53 AM

It contrasts the character a little bit more, but the whole scene has dropped a full stop or two in brightness.  Now the spikes aren't showing and the fire is red and dim.  Maybe the scene just needs some more light?  It's really hard to light a dark scene and keep the dark feel.  I would try a character light, just a simple light only as bright as you need to follow the character and light them up, you turn off the shadow so it just looks like the character is picking up more light from the room.

I guess some of this could be video related too, did you use a different encoding or any post options on the video?  I'm watching the two side by side and they look totally different.


Unfortunately, while I'm fairly skilled with lighting in the real world(I've studied photography and lighting), I'm still learning how to make it work in games properly myself, so I can only really give you advice on how it looks right now and not really how to actually FIX it. ;)

That being said, if you can make the Scene look the way it did before and the Character look the way they do in the last video, it may look just fine. ;)


November 12, 2018 06:19 PM

Looking at it again from a few feet away, I notice there's no light coming from the big fire in the front.  That's what was lighting the spikes before right?

November 12, 2018 06:34 PM

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that: it seemed that the light in front managed to light up the spikes through the ground, which I guess I refused to stand for, because my realism! So I decreased the light's range.

I mean, that makes sense. But yeah, the effect before was... desirable. But not necessarily reliable. I imagine if the spikes hadn't been in the second row, the light wouldn't have caught them anyway.

November 12, 2018 06:50 PM
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