
To anyone who can use 3d modelling programs

Started by August 08, 2002 06:58 AM
29 comments, last by Half-Demon 22 years ago
We''re still ata point that we could switch to C++, but since my knowledge concerning that language is extremely limited, I would need several programmers that really know what they''re doing. I''m someone who understands programming well, so communications aren''t a problem, but I never really used C++, so even though I''m going to polish up my skills in that area, I wouldn''t be able to code with it myself.

But since we don''t have any lead programmer yet it wouldn''t hurt to look for some C++ programmers.


I rule, you drool!


"If the whole world was out to get you... they would have gotten you by now."

Models, textures and sound (done by artists) are extremely end-phase.. Untill you have the engine near complete with all functions and whatever you can (and should for several reasons) just use dummies.. So what if the ubahleet dragon looks like shit? how does that hinder you from actually developing and completing the vitals of the game?

This way you won''t have your artists idling 1.5 year while your programmers make and complete the engine so that you can start with the touch-ups.. Second of all you''ll probably get alot better artists if you by having a near-complete game can show them that you''re serious and it looks good..

In other words.. Come back when you''re a few months from completion.

well said
"the sad thing about promit's sig is that it lacks intelligence, therefore artifice" - Jello di Caca"There is no flag that is large enough to hide the shame of americaca" -System of a Jello
well said
"the sad thing about promit's sig is that it lacks intelligence, therefore artifice" - Jello di Caca"There is no flag that is large enough to hide the shame of americaca" -System of a Jello
^Im with Stupid^

Ol''-School all da way
Where have I been ?
Personally I feel that is a really bad idea. for several reason but the main one is that what if there is only 1 or 2 modelers? that leaves only a short amount of time to get ALL the models up to snuff and ready for their place in the game. If the modelers and the original designer are on different sides of the world it could take sever tries of working, sending, writing for changes, working, sending, writing for changes, back and forth for just one model. therefor waiting til a few months from completion could actually make the game take longer to release.

I shall fart in your general direction. - I said so
------------------------------If you whispered, who would hear you? If you cried, who would comfort you? If you begged, who would have mercy? If you program, who will play?------------------------------
yo! i will help with your project.

i have more than a year''s experience in 3dsmax, and [imho] are v good at lopoly character stuff in particular.

email me @

die or be died...i think
he''s got a point there(bob_the_fly)
"the sad thing about promit's sig is that it lacks intelligence, therefore artifice" - Jello di Caca"There is no flag that is large enough to hide the shame of americaca" -System of a Jello
quote: Personally I feel that is a really bad idea. for several reason but the main one is that what if there is only 1 or 2 modelers? that leaves only a short amount of time to get ALL the models up to snuff and ready for their place in the game. If the modelers and the original designer are on different sides of the world it could take sever tries of working, sending, writing for changes, working, sending, writing for changes, back and forth for just one model. therefor waiting til a few months from completion could actually make the game take longer to release.

Ive been on several projects like this, i do _NOT_ reccomend doing it. I left these projects and dont work on them unless I have creative-control over everything that I do (so i design models/textures how i want them to look, within reason ofcourse).

Ol''-School all da way
Where have I been ?
[EDIT]: Double Post

[edited by - AntilogicHyper on August 15, 2002 5:17:30 PM]
Where have I been ?

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