
To anyone who can use 3d modelling programs

Started by August 08, 2002 06:58 AM
29 comments, last by Half-Demon 22 years ago
One thing....Dark basic blows and always has. At least use blitz basic if you are gonna use any basic language. Blitz is 342394820394893028409328409238049283904 times better than Dark Shit. Being that you have such a lack in programming skills, do you even really know what it''s gonna take to complete such a project? You will likely NOT get everything into your game that you wanted to because you''ll find that you have to nix a few features because your skills can''t accomodate them correctly. OOps, you nixed a feature that an artist already created art for. Poor artist. He''ll be pissed no? Get your engine up and going, find out your limitations, decide on reasonable poly counts, etc, THEN get your artists to work.

My suggestion to you is learn C++ and OpenGL if you want to make any serious game, the basic languages aren''t gonna cut it if you want to add anything fancy to your game.

Anyways....just a warning. Get ahead of yourselves before your know your limitations and you will run in circles until your motivation is all but deplinished.

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