
Duplicating Faces (3DS)

Started by March 28, 2003 06:55 PM
11 comments, last by Raymondo 21 years, 5 months ago
It looks like if the faces are actually there that all you need to do is select them in poly mode and go down to where it says "flip normals" , if they are not there, I would suggest approacing it from a completely different angle, If I were to model a mag like that it would be wise to simply make a box primitive, convert it to an editable mesh and use your reference pic to line up the verts....
if you have a background image for reference, why not delete the plane and use a box instead??
it`d create all the faces for you, then just convert it to editable mesh and attach it to the rest of the gun.

i promise nothing!!
just off the top of my head...
To duplicate faces, go into Polygon Sub-Object mode (after collapsing to an Editable Mesh,) select the polygons you wish to duplicate, hit the "Detach" button and check "Detach as Clone." Once you cloned the polygons get out of Sub-Object mode and select the new clone object. In Polygon mode again select all the polygons and Flip the normals. Now get out of Sub-Object mode and move the clone object into place. Attach it together with the original object and, in Vertex Sub-Object mode, weld the vertices together to make the mesh whole.

A lot of steps huh? For something simple like this it would probably be faster to start over with a Box primitive as many are suggesting.


To turn tris into quads, go into Edge mode, select the diagonal edge you don't need, and hit the "Invisible" button towards the bottom of the rollout.

[edited by - jhocking on April 11, 2003 12:08:14 PM]

-Joe Hocking | newArteest
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