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UK online games developer

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1 comment, last by edholder 23 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I am looking into the possibilities of setting up a website that will be based around an interactive online game, but as yet have not been able to find anyone that can help with the costing of such a venture. The general type of game is similair to the site www.fantasyisp.com however the idea is not identical, and the site would ahve to both look and run better. I was hoping if somebody could help me by giving an idea of the cost of such a site, and the cost of running it for, lets say, a year. Some general projections of this site are that it has the realistic potential to draw in 2 million visitors on a regular basis and it will also need to be password enabled to allow herding of the traffic to the appropriate areas I hope you can help me, and if you know of anyone IN THE UK that could realistically handle this job competantely, could you PLEASE post a reply to this message. Your help is appreciated, Ed Holder
well, development wise: if you dont know the code yourself (be it asp, php, perl) its gonna cost a lot, itll require a lot of thought and planning for the coder.<br><br>the hosting will porbably more dependant on the bandwidth, if you really do plan on getting 2million visitors a day, itll cost a lot. thats the biggest cost (esp here in the uk)<br><br>(password enabling stuff isnt much of a hassle <img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>)<br><br>cant give a figure, but because of the nature of the game, it may be more expensive.<br><br>anywys, bandwidth is your most expensive problem (isp''s charge a lot for excessive use of allocated bandwidth) <br><br>__________________<br>graham "red" reeves.<br><br>red@deadpenguin.org<br>www.deadpenguin.org
__________________graham "red" reeves.[email=red@deadpenguin.org]red@deadpenguin.org[/email]www.deadpenguin.org
Work out your bandwidth requirements like so:

bytes per hour = (size of page / hits per hour)
bits per hour = (bytes per hour / 8)
bits per second = (bits per hour / 3600)

In the UK, a 2Mbps line is £6k a year from VBCm where as 154Mpbs is something like £250k a year....

If you''ve got got an ego the size of a small galaxy, you may think you need the 154Mb option... however, the only company in the UK that uses a 154Mb line (apart from large ISPs) is the BBC, and they use it mainly for streaming video between sites.

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

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