
01.04 - News

Started by April 08, 2001 11:43 PM
35 comments, last by Teej 20 years, 10 months ago
Hi folks, Well, I guess the news is fairly obvious… the forum lives! If you''re here too quick you''ll notice that I''m still in the process of getting the forum shouldn''t take me too long to get the introductory articles out of the way and start the actual project sections, so please bear with me. Keep your eye peeled on this News topic for update information and other musings… Teej PS: Please don’t reply in this topic…it’s my personal ‘What’s New’ area.
Hi all,

I hope everyone had a good weekend... I was out of town, but it was a few days of rest that I desperately needed.

Now, back to the forum. I''ll be continuing with the updates today and/or tomorrow, and I know that there''s a lot of you out there who want to get going with some actual development tasks, so I''m trying to incorporate something interactive for the next update session.

See you soon,



I''m starting to actually place the next few articles onto the forum. Boy, I couldn''t even access GDNet last night! This site is either slow or totally inaccessable at time...geez...

My gameplan is to get a couple up this afternoon, and another four by/on Sunday. You''ll definitely have something to work with by then.

Oh, and for those of you who were here for round one of the forum, yes, we''re starting with basically the same BaseCode, but I urge you to pick up a copy nonetheless as there are some slight adjustments.

I still haven''t decided on the best direction to take everyone in, but I have material already prepared on sprites, vector geometry, tiles and code organization. I know how much people want to ''dive in'' to coding games (especially if you were already around for the Tetris and PacMan projects), but I need to squeeze in some basic concepts that help everyone become more productive when we start really getting our feet wet. Gee, thanks, I knew you''d understand

At the very least, there''s now code available, so there''s no reason to not start picking at it...



I was away for the weekend, and when I got home I found my CPU fan melted right off of the heatsink, and my processor was FRIED. Oh well, they warned me that Athlons run hot!

I allowed this forum to fall behind the first time I started it up, and I refuse to let this happen again. You all have been great with your support, and I''m not going to let you down (again). What this means is that I''ll have to prepare material at work instead of at home (for about 3 weeks), and that is going to slow things a bit, but there will still be updates!

Once I bring my drive into work I can extract the next three articles, and then I''ll just stay at work late to keep things moving along. I did manage to get one article up before things went BOOM, and there will be three more tomorrow.

Once again (geez, seems like deja vu) thanks for your patience. I know that you''ll like what I''m doing with the next set of articles, so hang on folks!


Good news,

I''ve ordered some new parts for my computer:

- another AMD Athlon 1GHz (original one ''melted'')
- Fan/Heatsink for CPU (chrome orb)
- Case fan (helps to have one of these)

My order should be coming in tomorrow morning, which means that I''ll be able to get back to work on the forum.

Do you ever get the feeling some mystical power is out to get you?

Sure, my CPU and fans came in, but when I tried to connect them to the motherboard I noticed that the plastic on the ZIF socket was chipped. In other words, I couldn''t secure the heatsink to the CPU properly. Geez...

I''m in the process of trying to get it replaced. In the meantime, I really want to continue with the updates, so I promise to try and ''sneak in'' some time this afternoon while I''m supposed to be working and get some more material online.

Thanks for your patience.


Good News!

My computer is fixed and working!

Expect new articles later today!


Boy, I always laugh at myself when I read my news posts. The previous one says "expect new articles later today!", and here it''s the seventh of the month. Geez...

Okay, so I''m behind as usual. The good news is that there''s a new 04-series article up, as well as a 03.03 Selected C topic on the preprocessor, compiling, and that funny G structure in GLOBALS.H.

Oh, and I''ve got plenty more in somewhat-finished form on my system...I might even be able to get two more in this afternoon! And if I''m feeling especially energetic (or remorseful for leaving everyone wait so long) I''ll get a couple more this evening as well.

But hey, no promises!

Truly though; there''s one thing standing in my way this evening, and that''s the Toronto/New Jersey NHL series (on at 7pm EST tonight)...I''ll give you a hint who I''m praying on winning: I live in Toronto


Hey, it looks like I''m on a roll!

I''ve added another article entitled Pixel Manipulation that should finally give everyone some code to play with.

There will be a C topic on pointers and data types very shortly, and I''m not planning on slowing up the pace anytime soon, so stick around for more gamedev material!

I almost forgot...

Since we''ll be entering the wonderful world of sprites and 2D games, there''s going to be a real need for graphic resources.

Until recently, I was ready with some ''shareware'' graphics, but the author has since rescinded the public license on his artwork.

What this means is that either
  • We find some public domain artwork to use

  • We end up drawing our own sprites/etc.

  • Maybe I can get permission from the author of the existing artwork I have

I''m hoping that by mentioning this someone might either have some artwork to share, or recalls where to find some.

Email me if you have any information.

Thanks guys/gals...


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