
03.02 - Language Topic Requests

Started by April 10, 2001 10:03 AM
40 comments, last by Teej 21 years, 1 month ago
Articles Made to Order Is there some aspect of C programming or the language itself that isn''t clear to you? Have a good idea for an informative article? I''m going to take a look through the requests and write complete articles on selected topics. Of course, there are limitations to what I''ll cover or how many articles I can author in a given period of time, but if I consider the topic helpful to others to explore, I''ll do my best to please. So please, post your suggestions in this topic!
Hi there, I suggest you write an article with the most common data structures in game programming.

tks in advance

I turn pixels into gold!!
José Correia AKA d00dzs posting...HEEELLLOO
Dear Teej (or anyone who can clarify this),

If it isn''t too much trouble i would like someone to please clarify the differences between c and c++. I learned C++ instead of c and i am wondering if that was a mistake or if the languages are pretty much the same. I got a book about windows game programming and it looked all foreign because it was in c, now i don''t know if this is my imagination but if someone could help clarify this for me i would be greatly obliged.
C++ is actually just C made more robust, with more features to make it more object-oriented in programming style. If you code in C, it''ll work in C++. C++ adds more of an object-oriented thinking to programming in C, providing classes, most distinctly, and providing the ability to override functions and such.

Basically, when programming in C, you program from a procedural mindset. When you program in C++, you''re programming in an object oriented mindset. Most game programmers program in C because that''s the way it''s always been done since the dawn of C, and programmers that are set in their ways are difficult to change.
PiotyrSoftware Engineer by day, Game developer by nightThe early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
guess i pushed the button too much
Thanks Piotyr...however...should I learn C then or am i fine?
With C++, you should be just fine. Almost better off, in fact, since DirectX is quite the object-oriented API. Being able to understand basic C code would be useful, though, but I''m sure if anything is confusing, if you ask about it, there''ll be 20 replies within a day around here.
PiotyrSoftware Engineer by day, Game developer by nightThe early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
A good topic to the C Language forums would be a brief explanations on the Windows datatypes. I''m somewhat experienced with (Unix) C programming, but Windows seems to define a new datatype for everything. Could you brief on the most common ones?
Ja ne, Pazu mailto: the world, open the neXt
Just for the record I would like a little more help on the data types used in C, As a VB programmer datatypes are clearer, I generally have used
the most and unless it is a particular object not much else. The one data type in C that I am unsure about is byte. Does it hold a number or an ascii character value or have I got the wrong end of the stick.
**Knowledge is Power**
One thing I think would be very interesting is a disscusion about various ways of implementing modules in c. In c++ you will classes but in c there are more choices.

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