
01.05 - GamDev Chit-Chat

Started by May 22, 2001 11:45 AM
32 comments, last by Teej 22 years, 1 month ago
Hey, i wuz just reading asylums post, and that sounds like a really kewl idea. I was just wondering if you could elaborate on it, and how you would go about doing this. If any one feels this is like off topic or sumin, just tell me and ill email him, i just thought it would be kewl if everyone could chip on what seems like a good idea.

Dovie ''''andi se tovya sagain
Dovie ''andi se tovya sagain
Hi Everybody!!
My dream is be capable of doind a "simple" soccer game like SWOS (Sensible World of Soccer), the best soccer simulator I''ve ever played, simple, complete and addictive, and I think it could be a very good practice for all of us to do a game wiyh basic IA, 2D and with new player movements not implemented yet in any soccer game!!!
I''m so new and pathetic. I''m 16 and it seems I''m behind everyone. I need so much help. I''m really interested in this and I have great ideas and ability in art, story, music, etc... I need to learn programming. I beg anyone who can help at all e-mail me. Thanks, and I guess I''ll see you in the forum?

Remember to fill this with something clever and original later.
Remember to fill this with something clever and original later.
I''m going for my first game, and its a top down tank battle game
I noticed someone mentioned making a top down game, and I know those are popular for games like RPGs and Strategy games. I''m working on a tile engine, and I have a lot of code and graphics. If anyone wants some, or wants to trade, e mail me (
I noticed a lot of people are having problems downloading the files from Teej''s site so I have decided to mirror them at my site. You can find it all at

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
-Japanese Proverb
Hey Grifter! My favourite game of all time is SWOS as well. I''d be really interested in doing something along those lines. Unfortunatly I''m pretty much learning everything for the first time from Teej (apart from basic C++ programming). I''d like to have a look if you ever get anything working in the way of a SWOS style game.
One other thing: Why do so many people want to do a FPS? I''m not critisizing I''m just curious.
what''s got two legs and bleeds?Half a dog!
I''m shooting for a tetris clone. Good old tetris. That game has claimed more of my free time than Privateer. And that''s an accomplishment.
Hmmm, coincidentally enough, that''s exactly what we''re doing first.

hey everyone
aside from the projects teej has lined up for us im gonna do a remake of a boardtop game called wizwar basiclly a bunch of wizards running around in a dungon shooting eachother with fire balls and stealing their treasure i have a couple of my own ideas im going to throw in. anyways i cant wait to put it on my website for all to play

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