
04.08 - Animation Anticipation

Started by June 02, 2001 02:25 PM
51 comments, last by Teej 21 years, 10 months ago
I''m keep getting site not found from your site. When will it be up, or has someone got the files on a different site for download?
what''s got two legs and bleeds?Half a dog!
Sorry for the multiple posts, I don''t know what happened there...
what''s got two legs and bleeds?Half a dog!
Ible, I can access you''re website for dl, but the zip file is corrupt. Could you please re-archive it and post it on the site again? Thanks a lot.
I''m just posting this here since it seems to be the most popular among the more experianced. I have a small problem, I don''t have Visual C++, and I probally won''t have it for another two weeks at the least. In the mean time, I may have two solutions if anybody can help me with them. First choice, I have Dev C++ and I have the found a DX& made especially for Dev C++. My problem here is that in Teej''s examples they utilize a file called mmreg.h, which doesn''t come with Dev C++, and this is the only problem I have with it. So I need to know where I can find a mmreg.h or equivilent for a mingw compiler, of some way to modify Teej''s code to make it work without the file. My second possible solution is to get a good(and free) IDE for Borland''s free Borland 5.5 C++ compiler, or either some well explaned instructions on how to make it work well with just the command line(I''ve never been much of a DOS person, I''m more of a Windows generation person).

I''d also like to congratulate Ible on his little game, it''s kind of neat, and at least it does show an AI, even if it is silly.

I''d also like to thank Teej for this little tutorial, it''s great.
brandon6684: thanks

Shmmeee: I have put the files on my site at

Cheesehonkey: I don''t think the zip is corrupt, I downloaded it from a friends computer and it unzipped fine and everything ran. Try re-downloading it.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
-Japanese Proverb
Sprite Invaders

This took up way too much space so I axed it.
See here instead:
Other Place - 4th reply down in Designing Tetris

Edited by - videns on July 7, 2001 6:06:55 PM
I''ve hacked together a little pong game using the latest basecode from Teej. Not much but I probably wouldnt have gotten this far if it wasnt for this forum.

Anyway if you wanna peek at it you can get it below :
Source code is included as well.

P.S I can''t wait for the next set of tuts.

Ible, I tried to dl your program from 2 different computers and used winrar, Alladin Stuffit, and Winzip to try to extract it. With Winrar, I can view the files inside but it doesn''t extract, gives a message that the zip file is either a multipart series or is corrupt ("Premature End of File"). Anyway, thanks for tryin in the first place. Its good to see so many people are active in this forum. Oh, and whoever made that pong game, you don''t need two paddles in your resource.bmp file.. you can use one image 2x.

Thanks for all the hard work, but I have a problem: I havent'' been able to access your website even once! Every time I click on one of your links, I''m taken to Webjump''s website but with an error message. Is your website still up and running? Has your URL changed? Thanks in advance for your help.

I was having a problem with Teej''s website too until just a while ago. He has a new site at

or there is a mirror at courtesy of another student


Make sure you check the NEWS thread for anything new.

I am here, you are there.Joruli

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