
04.08 - Animation Anticipation

Started by June 02, 2001 02:25 PM
51 comments, last by Teej 21 years, 10 months ago
Maybe this is a dumb question, or maybe I missed the answer, but I am using Visual C++ and I want to use breakpoints, etc. to debug my code. How do I do this when runnings fullscreen stuff. I just tried, like normal (using go (F5)), but that caused all sorts of problems. Any suggestions, or could you point me to where this was discussed? I really want to get my little game working, but right now I can't debug...

Thanks in advance!

****EDIT/UPDATE - Well, I hope you guys don't mind if I answer my own question, I figure someone might come along with the same question:

You need to run the program in windowed mode. Teej's code can be modified to run this way, I basically followed the instructions here. Make sure you change the window size in winbase.cpp to something other than the whole window size, or at least, change the mode from topmost, to NULL, so you can switch to other programs. If I can help anyone with the details let me know, I am happy to be more specific.********

Edited by - saetrum on July 23, 2001 4:36:00 PM

Edited by - saetrum on July 23, 2001 4:39:46 PM

Ible: Thank you for putting the files on your site - I had planned to spend a couple of hours on this today and was ''gutted'' to find that Teej''s site wasn''t accessible.

Teej: Marvellous job again - I can''t believe that I''ve finally found a web site of this quality (the whole and a tutorial that is right on the money - thanks for alll your hard work.

Everyone else: your posts are really helping folk like me who are following in your footsteps

So - no real reason for the post except to say thanks to everyone your efforts are really appreciated
- a ''virtual beer'' for all of you from me ;-)

Cheers !
im trying to incorporate a compass in my lil game, but what i cant figure out is how to draw that without using clippers as i cant Blf with clipper. Anyone got any ideas?
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