
Recent works?

Started by November 26, 2008 11:38 AM
35 comments, last by Chasteleth 15 years, 1 month ago
Music for casual project. European medieval theme.
Thanks!Alexander Falinski MySpace
Here's a new piece I'm working on. Not for a video game, just for fun and for myself. Still needs some more polish and a mixing pass but I thought I'd share my progress. I'd describe it as a mood piece more than anything else. All of this was done with Reason 4.

Here's some backstory on this piece:

Back in 2005 I started really pursuing a full time career in music composition. I had no idea where I'd end up, but I wanted to work in films and video games. Four years later, I'm lucky enough to be doing it full time and I love it! The challenge, variety and creativity I get to be around on a daily basis is not only truly inspiring, it's humbling. But it wasn't always this way. Before landing a full time job or any contract work, I used to just write for the sake of writing music. I experimented with all kinds of different textures, sounds, moods and techniques. Some of it was good. Some of it was crap.

Recently I was fumbling through a bunch of my older stuff and it reminded me of how much music I used to write. I miss writing music just because, and then sharing what I've created with others. While I love working in the industry, I suddenly realized that a majority of my writing only happens for clients (be it full time or contract). I'm realizing that writing music for myself is an important part of me as a person and musician. Even though I'm writing music almost constantly now, it's always for a client or for my work. There's always an agenda, goal or deadline to meet. Sometimes it feels more about those things than it does about just the music. I have a profile on Acid Planet that has been largely inactive for quite some time now. I want to change that. I need to get back to writing music just for myself, even if it's just a song or two here and there. I'm going to do my best to spend some time writing just for myself, share this new music with others and doing it for completely free. No clients, no direction, no objectives or focus testing. Just the art itself. This first concept is an attempt to do just this: write for just me... occasionally. :P

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

Nathan, I really like the first half (it drips with mood and atmosphere), there are brief moments of dissonance that are delightful and I'm really interested in the color/textures you start to dig into. The second half, not as much a fan of, mostly because it starts to pull away from texture/mood into what I think might be a comfort zone for you. The drums/bass/piano are a really bold step forward with development, but I feel like the samples aren't strong enough to carry that step. It also feels like reversion, to me, instead of exploring, you fall back into a safe place and it comes off as late 90s New Age music. Not that that's bad, I just think you could push it another step (read push yourself).

For listening: I suggest listening to BT's album "This Binary Universe" from front to back/top to bottom. Listen to how BT will give you the beat driven development without sounding like he's falling back on his old late 90s Trance Music (that made him popular). Listen to how he plays with the sound itself, and developed specifically on what's already been presented.

Otherwise, I am slightly reminded of Donkey Kong Country II's "Brambles Symphony" which is a good thing, in my opinion.

Thanks for sharing, Nathan, it was very enjoyable.
- []Dan Reynolds[/email] (Composer|Music Implementer)
Quote: The second half, not as much a fan of, mostly because it starts to pull away from texture/mood into what I think might be a comfort zone for you.

I would agree with this statement. However I may keep it as is. Haven't decided yet. :)

Quote: Otherwise, I am slightly reminded of Donkey Kong Country II's "Brambles Symphony" which is a good thing, in my opinion.

You're the second person to mention this! :P I haven't played DK 2 but maybe I should. I freakin' loved the first one.

Thanks for the comments and for listening.


Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

Hey Nathan,

I agree with Dan, I really enjoy the first half. It conjures a very relaxing mood, ambient but still enthralling. It also reminds me of Donkey Kong Country, particularly "Aquatic Ambience" from the first game (One of my favourite video game pieces).
Matthew Chastney - Composer & Sound Designer
Hello, I've put a few things up here on my very bare (for now) website

Would love to hear anyones thoughts if you have a sec.
I've been working on a menu track for a 2d horror platform shooter.

check it out if u have a chance.

This one's fresh out of the oven.
Today I've been playing with a track which has the working title 'Cave'. The idea behind it is a typical game music affair of wandering around a cave like enviroment. Very simple piece with minimal sounds used.

It comes in two flavours;
Cave which is the original looping version.
Cave 2 which takes the loop and throws a storm sound infront/under it. This is possibly going to be the start of a large song based around the concept.

Cave is notable for me as it's the first time I've departed from a steady drum beat behind a song. Instead trying a more dynamic/glitchy way of doing things.

Aside from that I've played around with a piece which would probably work for the background of a 2D shoot'em'up type thing.
Fight On

The above is infact a cut down and sane version of a larger track which kinda got out of control and lost it's way to a degree as given away by the filename; god knows what this has become.

A good example of where samples in the hands of an amature can do more harm than good [grin] I felt like a sampled myself into a corner I couldn't get out of thus the drastic cut down and rebuild for Fight On.

All tracks are done in FL Studio;
Cave uses Fruit PC, Morphine and Sytrus
Fight On/God knows uses 2xToxic Biohazard, DrumSynth Live, BooBass, Morphine and a bunch of samples.
Not super recent, but my last completed track: Music for a 2D platformer. I've got another in the works currently, so I'll post that too once it's mostly done.

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