
Gamedev Chat

Started by July 11, 2013 11:11 AM
13 comments, last by Thomas Wiborg 11 years, 1 month ago

Has it been considered making a Gamedev chat?

Would be great for ultra quick feedbacks. Not everything is needed as a thread. There are always minor questions that could be answered right away.

I believe it wouldent hurt the use of our forum.

IRC is not what Im asking for :)

What do you guys think about that?

//Thomas Wiborg

For more complex questions, the forum is better because the answers to your question can later help someone else searching solutions through google.

For simpler questions, you can use google.

Simpler questions should be on the forums, so that they show up in google.

And it would make wasting time even easier ,_,



Yes I can see that. But chat has it benefits. It would make people on gamedev get to know eachother better and quicker.

I think it would increase the use of this site.

There is always nice to "stop by" the chat and say "Hi". Have a little chat during lunch or whenever :)

//Thomas Wiborg

We could always implement a policy that states any gamedev questions must be asked in a forum thread so future people with the same kind of question can find the answers the original person received.

I'm also for implementation of chat. It doesn't have to be anything complicated.

It would be nice if we could have a little chat, to see what's everybody currently doing, etc.; in other words, have a place with completely casual atmosphere. Forum is somewhat restricted at how casually you can go.

I'm also for implementation of chat. It doesn't have to be anything complicated.

It would be nice if we could have a little chat, to see what's everybody currently doing, etc.; in other words, have a place with completely casual atmosphere. Forum is somewhat restricted at how casually you can go.

An IRC channel would be easy to set up.. actually doesn't one already exist? Not sure..

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”


Does anybody has an user on Nexus forums? (you know, big modding community).

A chat like the one from the Nexus would be awesome. For example, by policy if no one answers a question in the chat, the guy who made the question is forbidden from asking the same again and again (to prevent spammers, spoon feeding advocates, etc) and referred to the forums.

Modding talk happens but its not enforced so you can talk about anything and again, if you want to talk about a specific games and no one in the chat is interested, you're "encouraged" to make a thread in the forums for that instead.

A gamedev chat could follow the same line of rules.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

It would be best if the chat was integrated with the site and easily accessible to reach as many users as possible.

It would be nice to be able to make chats connected to specific threads or forums too, for example if there is a really active 13 page thread having a chat might slow down its growth.

The most active chats should be quickly accessible (corner of screen for example, with option to hide ofc)


There's an irc channel #gamedev on freenode (approximately 130 people currently and quite active)

Well, as said earlier. I dont want an IRC chat... Would be alot better if it was a chat implemented here on Gamedev.

Of course we should be able to ask questions. Its always nice to have the chat to ask minor questions. There is times where google wont help you much, and a chat would be perfect!

//Thomas Wiborg

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