
Java or C++ first?

Started by November 03, 2001 07:08 PM
41 comments, last by Maiku 22 years, 10 months ago
Sample languages and constructs w/how to build and run (Linux - but then again, you can see how easy/uneasy it would be to port your knowledge base)
section .data                           ;section declarationmsg     db      "Hello, world!",0xA     ;the stringlen     equ     $ - msg                 section .text                           ;section declaration                        ;we must export the entry point to the ELF linker or    global _start       ;loader. They conventionally recognize _start as their                        ;entry point. Use ld -e foo to override the default._start:;write our string to stdout        mov     eax,4   ;system call number (sys_write)        mov     ebx,1   ;first argument: file handle (stdout)        mov     ecx,msg ;second argument: pointer to message to write        mov     edx,len ;third argument: message length        int     0x80    ;call kernel;and exit        mov     eax,1   ;system call number (sys_exit)        xor     ebx,ebx ;first syscall argument: exit code        int     0x80    ;call kernel  

nasm -f elf hello.asm; ld -s -o hello hello.o;./hello

#include < iostream >int main(int argc, char** argv, char** env) {     using namespace std;     cout << "Hello World!" << endl;     return 0;}  

g++ -o hello hello.cpp; ./hello

#include < stdlib.h >int main(int argc, char** argv, char** env){        printf("Hello World!\n");        return 0;}  

gcc -o hello hello.c; ./hello

public class hello {        public static void main(String args[]) {                System.out.println("Hello World!");        }}  

javac; java hello

10 print "Hello World!"20 end  

(BASIC shell)$ run

And this could go on and on and on. I suppose I should have made Hello World in #defines alone, template processing done with the compiler itself, perl, PASCAL, shell commands, etc. I've listed justed a few, and I do mean only a few, of the many, many langauges out there also known as tools for the developer. Get this, some people even make their own languages when no others seem to do. And maybe when you graduate from the language wars you can get into fullfledged API wars! Then, and only after then, you may realize: "CRAP! I should have studied software design methodologies and techniques to further my craft by way of a solid foundation!?!"

To the original creator of this thead: Look at the examples I have posted. See which is easier for you to comprehend with no previous knowledge of programming. To anybody that hasn't stopped to think about it (except you magmai ) Ever wonder why BASIC is a prerequisite for any computer programming course right after an "Introduction to Computers" type class??? Hmm, that's a coincedence. Not enough for you? Ask any competant programmer if they have crossed BASIC early in their pre-programming career.

B eginners A ll-purpose S ymbolic I nstruction C ode

The emphasis on beginner.

This thread is ohhh so close to dying as I am about to close it...



DOH! stupid HTML tags -- See you have one over me right there.

Edited by - deadlinegrunt on November 6, 2001 9:52:56 PM


Hey guys... I think the only piece of advice that I will use from this thread is:
"My advice to anyone trying to decide on a first language is to not decide flat out. Experiment with a few see what fits. In the real world you will find that you need a broad knowledge of many tools." Thanks for all your help!

(btw, I have MS VC++, but.. where can I get a good Java compiler...?)
Fair enough and sounds like good advice to me.




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