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Disable Replies From Folks With Very Low Scores

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19 comments, last by ericrrichards22 8 years, 11 months ago

I am against this idea.

If we disable site features below a certain rating threshold, it weaponizes the rating system in such a fashion as to incentivize down voting to "shut somebody up," especially when they are near the threshold. Further, regaining that reputation is basically impossible once you can't post, since posting is the best way to gain reputation. Not only is the reputation gain from upvoting other posts and whatnot slow and throttled, it provides no way to facilitate teaching the user in question how to improve their behavior and similarly incentivizes gaming the rating system by upvoting one's entire quota per day until one crosses the threshold again. Not to mention the difficulty involved with users who fluctuate on the cusp of the threshold.



I'm also somewhat in favor of capping low scores to zero rather than negative, at least for non-mods/staff. But I don't think it is worth the effort.

It would help give individuals the opportunity to change their ways and improve... unfortunately, I can also imagine that implementing it would be somewhat difficult.

For the roughly a full decade since the site got reputation scores, they've basically done their job well. It was extremely effective at removing trolls and idle banter since people feel a bit of pain to their ego when they see their trolling posts harm their reputation. Since 2010 when the votes were tied to a specific post it has been mostly an amazing thing at giving feedback to people to where their comments were not well received. (Occasionally even high-scored people like Hodgman or I get posts with some downvotes and it serves as a great feedback of ways to improve.)

The site is extremely liberal with points, especially since the ipboard transition in 2010. Then even more generous with the 2012 revamping of points. You get a point a day for logging in. You get points for upvoting other posts, you get points for bookmarking posts or being bookmarked, you get points for creating journal entries, points for submitting news articles, and more. I can easily imagine a member picking up a hundred points in a day without posting a single comment to the discussion boards.

So while I think the feature would be great to those few members with negative scores who are trying to improve, I don't think it would be worth the cost or difficulty to implement. There are very few individuals who are active in the board with sub-100 scores, and less than a handful of them who have sub-zero scores. There are plenty of ways those with low or negative scores can jump well into the multi-hundred values within a single week if they try to work the system and make a concerted effort to contribute, or even an effort to game the reputation system.


It was extremely effective at removing trolls and idle banter since people feel a bit of pain to their ego when they see their trolling posts harm their reputation. Since 2010 when the votes were tied to a specific post it has been mostly an amazing thing at giving feedback to people to where their comments were not well received.

If people were really trolls, they would not care. Deleted in this thread earlier is a comment about me being the Real Programmer from some old MIT joke. That is simply not true and my code is extremely clean and easy to follow, and I only optimize when it saves me real world time somehow; ultimately, someone who is not even a professional programmer is not really qualified to say that about me. Some other people are knowledgable enough but seem to see themselves as the absolute authority on software engineering, something which does not exist, and if it did would probably not be found among game programmng pros.

I don't mind they have a bad opinion but when they are allowed to spam about it and even make threads about it, they are the problem. They are the trolls. It is a mixed up website that rewards the people who attack everyone and shuns the people they attack. That is why this site is a mess. I see this constantly with pointlessly harsh posts in benign topics. Some of these people should have been banned years ago, they are the real problem, not people asking questions or ones with 'incorrect' opinions.

I have been banned three times now, all of them for ridiculous excuses. Including in this thread (another attack on me) where all I do is express my opinion on the subject. If it's an invalid topic lock the topic. Don't ban me for personal reasons. People do watch what happens on forums, it's sad to me that many of the people using the site and moderating it are so incredibly unprofessional.

The whole thing turns into a way to silence anyone that you don't like, understand or simply agree with. I would not post here at all but there are very few options.

This is my thread. There are many threads like it, but this one is mine.

I really don't think it's appropriate to make this a thread about you, because I absolutely don't think it's necessary, courteous, or professional to do so or to facilitate other users on this forum doing so. That's why I cleaned up any identifying remarks the first time; but as you're the one who made it about you this time, I'll say this:

I don't mind they have a bad opinion but when they are allowed to spam about it and even make threads about it, they are the problem.

"They" (users on this site) are not allowed to spam about it or make threads about "it" (their opinion of you or your behavior). That's why, as above, I have repeatedly cleaned up threads that went off the reservation into "bash the guy with the huge negative reputation" territory. Those users are not being rewarded for this behavior at all.

I see this constantly with pointlessly harsh posts in benign topics.

Your own posts have been flagged for being "pointlessly harsh" several times; you should realize this, as it was mentioned in the messages you were given when you were suspended. Which brings me to

I have been banned three times now, all of them for ridiculous excuses.

No, you've been suspended. Banning is permanent; suspension is a temporary break, usually given to impress upon a user the seriousness of the issue at hand but allow them a chance to turn that behavior around. I don't want to ban you; we (the moderation team) have been exceedingly lenient in your particular case given the number of people who have essentially been calling for your head on a pike.

Since your most recent suspension I've been rather encouraged by the significantly more even-keeled nature of your posts (the "flag mania" thread perhaps notwithstanding, because that's a topic that in general I just don't want to read). I really hope you take this opportunity to continue in that vein.

For everybody: I will be watching further posts in this thread extremely carefully, particularly for signs of "pile on Graelig." Don't disappoint me; I will not be particularly lenient. When you have a problem with a user or the site, the correct response is almost always to flag the post in question or the user's profile or in some other way contact a moderator or staff member rather than engage directly. That applies here just as well.

I'm in favor of capping at zero, since it will remove the incentive of the "how low can you go" spree that we've seen a few people go on in the past.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
I see no problem with the reputation dropping below zero. It takes quite a feat to get that to happen. I don't post much, and yet, my post count seems to keep rising. I'm getting up voted on posts that I do not think are worthy of up voting. To drop from the initial 100 to zero takes a major amount of work and to go below that is just outstanding. It shouldn't be possible; not that the software shouldn't allow it, but the member should never get that far.

Maybe the term "troll" isn't correct, but when your personality is so contrary to that of the whole, so much so that every post is full of personal attacks and purely contrarian in nature, it shows that the member might not be the best fit for this community. Capping at zero really doesn't fully show the level that some people are willing to go.
I don't think moderation is something that you can automate with just a single number as input, so it doesn't make sense to waste time implementing any changes.

Don't we have a rep filter like the one on Slashdot?

Such a feature could be useful if optional and defaulting to show all posts. That way, people who want to not see low rated posts, or posts from low rated users could filter them out without it being a blanket ban on someone's opinion...

Don't we have a rep filter like the one on Slashdot?

Such a feature could be useful if optional and defaulting to show all posts. That way, people who want to not see low rated posts, or posts from low rated users could filter them out without it being a blanket ban on someone's opinion...

If we did this, we would need a threshold around the 100 mark if we still wanted to see new users.

If we did this, we would need a threshold around the 100 mark if we still wanted to see new users.

Personally I would want the filter off as default. It's more to give options to others. Hiding half the conversation ruins the flow and gets confusing fast, not to mention it will get harder and harder to code and maintain because you'd also have to hide quoted portions of the lower rep posts in other people's posts...

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