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Kicked from chat - wow the first time ever for me lol

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15 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 8 years, 11 months ago

Seriously - Skullcap is anyone know what is it is - it's leaves that can make sedative tea for easing nervousness and anxiety. Such as passion flower etc - it's no where as roofies. I passed a joke saying, "Skullcap is a great sedative - just ask my ex-girlfriends lmao" and suddenly I got you've been kicked from chat.

Really? I think the person behind the kick button must like that button too much.

I also passed a joke saying, "Slicer has gone slicing up some pizza lmao" and that was apparently fine.

Oh another thing I almost forgot - someone possibly misinterpret this: "Where the Eninem Jr at? I love to tease him so much that he gets over excited and nerd rages all over my face!" Apparently the dude didn't like my opinion on a few games and got mad over it. That's what I meant with nerd rage over my face - screaming at me face. Get it?

Sometimes people gotta just chill and take a deep breather. No one told me "SIc you're being sick - stop or you'll be punted out to another galaxy. "

So what gives?

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Alright someone has to tell Knat to take a chill pill. Skull cap again a herbal sedative to help people take a nap if they're suffering from nerves, insomia or what not. It's also helps with with anxiety. I went back into chat and asked the funny guy who kicked me out. I get it rape jokes aren't allowed but i wasn't making a rape joke. So I corrected MR MODERATOR KNAT and he said, "You wanna be banned?" I told him to look Skull Cap, Passion Flower - they're herbal sedatives to help promote sleep from anxiety, etc.. He said drop it - I replied, "So you were wrong - you assumed" then got kicked out again.

I don't take shit from people - that's bottom line. People don't like it then oh well. I'm not going to let some dude with itchy fingers on the kick button because HE DOESN'T LIKE WHAT I SAID AND HOW I CORRECTED HIM. He was misinformed and he knew it - so couldn't tolerate it - best way is to ban me from the chat. *Golf clap for you Knat*

I'll be drinking my coffee while I await my ban is lifted. See another thing about being a mod - too much power is consuming but to be a leader and know the responsibility of having power makes a better leader.

Off my soap box.

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A) Many Crossbone users seem to just kick people for fun, as part of... IDK? Good-natured ribbing or something?

Personally, I don't like it, but when logging into the chat the rules seem to approve of it:

"Cross-bones members have the ability to kick other users. Please exercise restraint with this ability; only use it when hilariousnecessary."

B) The only time I've ever been kicked apart from I think one joke kicking, is because the chatroom is buggy and it's accidentally "Kicked from the chatroom" me twenty or so times in the past. Are you sure you were actually actually kicked? Usually you can tell from the chat after you log back in.

[Edit:] Oh, you've had an actual discussion with someone. Who's "Knat"? I'm not familiar with that user. Does Knat = Khat = Khatthar?

yeah Knatthar that guy. It said he\she kicked me out. Now I'm banned because he couldn't say, "Okay I was wrong but make sure you at least never never say rape jokes." instead, "Drop it" nah I'm not going to drop it when you threaten to ban me bro. His name should be changed to PowerHungry.

I drank some herbal sedatives and it make me feel better in the morning. There's another herbal tea you can make I forgot. It's no where near as potent as other medical sedatives or illegal sedatives in that manner. Now I can understand if I said, "Chlorofoam is the best!" we all know that's not and we all know it's highly toxic and that's why they don't use it anymore for anesthetic medication.

Again that could be way misinterpreted as well because Chlorofoam can be used as an organic solvent and in fact they use it when making borosilicate glassware. I'm bad that's chlorine gas - it's helps get rid of any impurities when manufacturing boro-silica glassware.

Anyways though besides organic chemistry which I know some but not every detail. It just errked me when I got banned because I didn't say, "Yes master, I drop it!"

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Modders that are at least sensable and reasonable would be not too quick to ban people like that. About that most cross bones people like to kick people for fun - isn't that abusing the mod powers?

Mod powers - that's funny. Walk in a job interview and they ask, "So what's your greatest award you've obtained in life?" "I'm a mod and I kick out people that don't agree with me!" Job Interviewer, "and I'm the interviewer and I have the power to not hire you!"

Half the time I'm just messing around 99.999% I'm messing around with people - only 0.0001% I'm ready to throw down when someone is being a douche for apparently no reason at all. Sure some of the joshing and jokes seem to be not comical as some others would think. Can't please everyone.

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Its the flavor of the day man! Josh bans people for the N word. Khat for rape jokes. You just gotta find which one dislikes which :D


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

sic games this wasn't an appropriate joke.

You made a crack about sedating girls. If that's not what you meant then you say, "That's not what I meant," and we all move on. What you certainly don't do is come back in and start trying to justify what still looks a lot like a crack about sedating girls.

I don't give a flying fuck whether it's skullcap or roofies. There's a zero tolerance policy on rape jokes. I'm not going to argue about what does or does not constitute a rape joke.

Frankly, "Drop it." Is a pretty clear indication of that. That's about as far as I'm willing to extend courtesy in the matter.

If you understand that then you can ask any moderator to remove the ban.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Its the flavor of the day man! Josh bans people for the N word. Khat for rape jokes. You just gotta find which one dislikes which biggrin.png

yeah already found out who doesn't like what lol.

Khatharr you believe whatever you want to believe - if it makes you happy. I wasn't trying to implement it as a rape joke and you should look up herbal medications - ever have insomia or ever have anxiety - drink some of that shit - it'll calm you down. My wife had trouble sleeping so I gave her some herbal sedatives and she slept better. Oh shit I said sedating my wife - oh no! Yeah I gave her herbal sedative to sleep better oh and top of that I also bought a new memory foam bed to sleep better.

Oh my wife also takes melatonin - what's that? A herbal sedative deprived from plants like St. John's wort and Passion Flower and not to forget animal cells.

There's nothing wrong with herbal sedatives people use sedatives daily to get rest or calm down from nerves. I'm not backing down because you think you're all mighty powerful.

I wasn't thinking in the alley of rape. Which I think you already know.

So what - I say, "I'm sorry Khnatharr - I won't make rape jokes! I'm sorry!" I don't believe in saying sorry if there isn't a need to be sorry. I don't believe in bowing down either to some dude who has a itchy finger. Also look at your comment, "Want to be banned?" Sounds like a person who is inferior and gets off on having powers over others. I told you in the chat I wasn't aiming at rape joke - I was explaining to you it's a natural seduative that helps people go to sleep calm down anxiety and what not. Before I couldn't even finished you kicked me. Cool. Whatever.

I think it sucks for you to be willingly to kick out anyone who you don't agree with or you don't like what they say. "I'm the enforcer" - okay there buddy - calm down off your throne it's just a open forum you know.

I already said it it wasn't meant for a rape joke. Whatever - do what you want I could care less. Ban me, kick me - who cares - if that's what makes you happy - won't never change who I am. The next time in the chat you're going to be like, "So SIC how did you like the time-out room?" my response will be, "It was fantastic - punish me more and make me weep in sorrow Master!" LOL!

I expect in three days my ban will be lifted. If not - not never a big deal. I got other things to do.

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I don't believe in saying sorry if there isn't a need to be sorry.

I feel like living in Canada would thoroughly confuse you. tongue.png

Also, accepting that you personally failed to communicate your intent on an internet forum does not constitute "taking shit." Starting a thread purely for the purpose of acting belligerent and angry in what is no doubt some bid to regain a bruised ego (really, if a chat banning wounds you this much, how do you walk down the street without taking offense at the smallest of misunderstandings?) pretty much constitutes "giving shit," in my book. There was a misunderstanding, it's cleared up now, now you know to think about how your posts appear to others before posting, everybody deal with it and go back to being excellent to each other.

Maybe even drink some herbal mixtures.
Speaking of which, I think it's time for a mug of tea.

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