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Kicked from chat - wow the first time ever for me lol

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15 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 8 years, 10 months ago

I don't believe in saying sorry if there isn't a need to be sorry.

I feel like living in Canada would thoroughly confuse you. tongue.png

Also, accepting that you personally failed to communicate your intent on an internet forum does not constitute "taking shit." Starting a thread purely for the purpose of acting belligerent and angry in what is no doubt some bid to regain a bruised ego (really, if a chat banning wounds you this much, how do you walk down the street without taking offense at the smallest of misunderstandings?) pretty much constitutes "giving shit," in my book. There was a misunderstanding, it's cleared up now, now you know to think about how your posts appear to others before posting, everybody deal with it and go back to being excellent to each other.

Maybe even drink some herbal mixtures.
Speaking of which, I think it's time for a mug of tea.

The chat banning actually stabbed me hard right in the heart - I fell down and thought I saw the bright light then suddenly darkness and back into the void I go.

Herbal mixtures what a cocktail - coffee with some lavender would be more euphoric then ever!

You're laid back what I can tell - which is cool. Did you just say Bill and Ted's quote? Be Excellent to each other? Yeah you did.

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The same rules apply in the chat as apply on the forum itself. It is not a "cool kids clubhouse," despite sometimes being treated as such by some of the members.

In particular, I don't approve of the tendency to "kick for fun." I've said on a number of occasions that excess unjustified kicks will eventually result in revocation of a user's kick privilege. It is a serious power, not to be used lightly, because to do so creates an unfriendly environment and a dilutes the seriousness of the offense (which in turn provides fewer granularities of punishment between a slap on the wrist and outright banning).

As for the issue at hand, after reviewing the logs I do not think Khatharr's kick was unwarranted at all. What matters in a community interaction like this is not just what you intend but what other people might reasonably see, and in this case I think it's reasonable that somebody might interpret "Skullcap is great for sedatives - ask my ex girlfriends lmao" as a date-rape implication. That you didn't mean it that way is only half of the equation. It doesn't matter that there's nothing wrong with herbal sedatives in general, or that you might know people who take them, or whatever. It matters how the actual words you said can be interpreted in the context you said them, and in this case I think the context (or lack thereof) provides a reasonable framework for the kick.

Further, some of your other commentary prior to the incident and during your attempt at justification of the incident isn't really in-line with the standards we'd like to uphold for our community (particular the comments reference Frank Luna). If you get kicked from the chat, you can ask for an explanation but you shouldn't belligerently argue with it -- if you think the kick was inappropriate, contact a moderator.

I don't think your ban needs to stay in place though, so I have lifted it. Please keep your behavior civil in the future, and remember that this is not an entirely "open forum." We have certain expectations of civility that we expect our members to meet, and certain levels of respect we expect them to show each other.

Its the flavor of the day man! Josh bans people for the N word. Khat for rape jokes. You just gotta find which one dislikes which biggrin.png

I shouldn't have to explain why either of these are inappropriate.

Its the flavor of the day man! Josh bans people for the N word. Khat for rape jokes. You just gotta find which one dislikes which biggrin.png

I shouldn't have to explain why either of these are inappropriate.

Sorry to say it, but Josh has a point. Would it be wise of me go walk around chanting "seig heil", then say I was joking? If it's potentially offensive or in poor taste, then you shouldn't say it.


You really think that "[blah] is a great sedative - just ask my ex-girlfriends lmao" doesn't sound like an inappropriate joke that someone might take the wrong way??

It doesn't really matter what [blah] actually is in the sentence -- it sounds like a sleazy joke no matter what word you put there. Don't be a sleaze.
There's a big difference between "my girlfriend takes herbal tea for insomnia" and "herbal tea is a great sedative - ask my girlfriend LMAO". The LMAO is basically a statement that you're making a joke; what is it doing there if you're just providing serious information? Pretending now that you can't see the difference is farcical.

No, it really does look like you were trying to make a funny, and now you're arguing that your joke doesn't actually make sense as a joke because you can't really drug people with herbal tea, therefore it's not a joke, so therefore it can't be an offensive joke... That's pretty flimsy.

A simple "Ok. Too far? Fine :P" would've been a much simpler response than trying to pretend you weren't making a joke lmao. There's lots of offensive jokes that fly through the chat room. Simply owning your behavior and dropping it when people get offended is much more mature than trying to rewrite history to avoid guilt and project it onto others.

"seig heil"

In the interest of satisfying my personal demons, you mean to say "Sieg heil", although the 'mericans do seem to always have problems with 'ei' versus 'ie'. It's still not a good idea no matter which way you write it.

although the 'mericans do seem to always have problems with 'ei' versus 'ie'.

That's because we took the British language, crammed it full of French words, chewed it up, and then vomited it back out;

and then in grade school it's repeatedly drilled in our head, "i before e except after c", which is only right some of the time.

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