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Countries that set the trend

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52 comments, last by Tom Sloper 3 years, 11 months ago

they`ve come far from the death to Jews, spread the Islam type mindset.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”


Calin said:

fleabay said:
The fact that you can label a whole country as ‘Muslim’ shows how undiverse and unevolved it is.

I understand your standard. most Muslims will label Europe, and not just Europe, as Christian (even if most Europeans don`t see themselves as being Christians). From one perspective (wide brush) you can split the world into Christians (everyone in the western world fits here) and Muslims (Middle East , Africa and some other places). Turkey is light years ahead of the rest of the Muslim world.

Those Muslims would be wrong when labeling Europe as Christian. Modern Europe is largely secular, and its dominant values and philosophy are derived from the Enlightenment, not Christianity.

Your “wide brush” perspective of splitting the world into Christians and Muslims is gross. Many of us repudiate both labels, among other things because religions divide us. You are also leaving out India and the far East, which amount to about half of the world's population.

While Atatürk did manage to turn Turkey into a modern, secular state, over the last two decades Erdoğan has been working to undermine it. I wouldn't put Turkey as a model to follow, given the vast array of human rights violations, in particular regarding freedom of speech and their treatment of the Kurds.

alvaro said:
values and philosophy are derived from the Enlightenment, not Christianity

Enlightenment is a Christian piglet. Michelangelo`s favorite characters were David, Adam and God. The fathers of the Western culture were all Christians (Newton, Einstein and pretty much everyone else). You might consider your system of values superior and even if it is indeed superior you shouldn`t look down upon those that share a different set of beliefs as long as these are balanced and don`t promote hatred etc.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

Einstein was a Christian, I see. I knew I was going to regret joining this thread. Have a nice life. Oh, and read some books, will ya?

Einstein was a Christian, I see

Einstein was a Jew and had faith in God. I`m squashing the details when they don`t make a difference/get in the way (using Einstein to make my point comes handy even if it makes the whole statement inexact, slowing down on details kills the momentum of the argument, bottom line Einstein wasn`t atheist and using him in the argument fits )

[edit] but you`re right, If you like to be picky my threads aren`t for you.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

Humans are inherently superstitious. In the begining it was god of rain and god of the sun. Then various big religions appeared and the newest religion is science.

The way people who have no idea of science fiercely defend anything they hear on Discovery Channel is looking to me as a religious radicalism.

The tolerant version of Islam is great actually. In Syria they are now restoring christian churches destroyed during the war. While right now, in peaceful times, Erdogan destroys one of the most important christian churches. Conclusion - Erdogan is more radical than Assad.

Humans are inherently religious. They blindly believe in anything coming from their political leaders, they blindly believe in their twitter tech gods. I personally heard lot of people to say: “If my spouse develops an alergy to fur, i 'd rather keep my pet than keeping the father/mother of my kids”. PETA people worship animals. And then, people who are openly religious believe in their official religions. Some people here worship C++ for example.

Humans are inherently religious. What matters is how radical a person is.

One of our teachers was worshiping Linux. He once started a lession, and the open source video recording app he was using broke. He tried to make it work for half an hour but was not able. A student offered him to download the free at that time screen recording program from Microsoft. But the teacher shout to him-

“I will not sell my soul to the devil! I will not use a software from Microsoft!”

And he told us to go home. No lession that day.

See? An atheist showing deeply religious behavior. Even talking about the devil. And damaging the life of other people.

Humans are religious by nature. Many people pretend to be superior to belevers, because they use the "logic of science", but they are not better at all.

Thousands of scientists claim there is not global warming, other thousands of scientists claim there is global warming. So, science fanboys still have to pick up a side using their sixt sense. They still have to BELIEVE a part of the same scientists and disbelieve other part of the very same scientists.

Then other fanboys claim - “Math can explain universe. We know because of omnipotent math that the core of Mars cooled down 5mln years ago.”
I ask - How? Math is fine, it is omnipotent, fine. But what is the formula you used? Was the algorithm you used as perfect as math is? Did you have enough data to put inside your equation and was you able to compute it and withwhat level of numerical precision? What if there is a layer of termic insulation material under the surface of Mars? How do you know it? Aren't the claims about the core of our own planet only theories?
Don't expect a scientific answer to these questions from a radical member of the cult of Discovery Channel.

Things to hear from a religious Discovery Channel fanboy-
“Math makes me superior to you!!!”
“How dare you to question the FACT of the cool core of Mars? Are you a flath earther or something?”
“I will quantum teleport right now to the parallel universe that is closer to you and will punch you in the face from there!”

Things to hear from a good teacher in Quantum Physics in a University -
“At that moment there were no means to prove or disprove that THEORY. Later with the availability of better equipment, the THEORY proven to be correct. Until then, the THEORY was BELIEVED to be true for not having a better THEORY at the moment.”
“The numerical precision of this experiment can not be perfect, but it is more than good enough as to validate the result of that experiment. Later, when even better equipment becomes available, somebody will repeat that experiment again in order to prove the result of the experiment with even more precision.”
“Quantum physics is not what they say on TV. In this course we will bust many of the myths that are being PREACHED on TV”

And finally, the religion of love between a male and female.

Any male: “I just watched Titanic the movie. I am so inspired now to click on the first “Date a slav beauty” banner I see and offer everything i have to the first profile that shows enough b00bs. Isn't true everlasting love something beautiful…”

Religions are fine, until somebody enters your territory with its tanks to save your soul.
Or until somebody starts punching other people in the face from the next door parallel universe.

Every human is religious.
And all religions want to get your services and your money…

NikiTo said:
Erdogan destroys one of the most important christian churches.

Are you talking about Hagia Sofia? I think Erdogan is only trying to make a point, it`s a 100% political motivated move

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

Calin said:

they`ve come far from the death to Jews, spread the Islam type mindset.

What the hell are you talking about? Have you ever actually been in a predominantly Islamic country? Are you American? Have you ever been outside the US? You do seem to be getting much of your world view from certain prejudiced and narrow sources, and you'd do well to broaden your knowledge and experience.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

21st Century Moose said:
Have you ever actually been in a predominantly Islamic country

No, I did come across many people from regions where Muslims are predominant however. Also the country I`m coming from (former Soviet Union country) has a significant Turkish ethnic group. You`d be surprised to find out how much you can learn by not traveling and learn from reality shows instead.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

Well, my 2 cents…

The only country that could contribute to progress of mankind would be a world union without borders and obstacles like superstitious religions, other rigid ideologies, and unfair distribution of prosperity.

But ofc. i know it will never happen.

I was dumb enough to be optimistic about how internet could help to tear down walls that divide one form of dumbness from the other.

But it does not work. It only generates another big brother and false common consciousness driven by sycophancy.

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