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Countries that set the trend

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52 comments, last by Tom Sloper 3 years, 11 months ago

@JoeJ so yeah, I`m pretty much of the same stance as Nikito when it comes to climate change (I hate words that make the trend, they are very expensive)

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”


Joan of Arc - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Severn Cullis-Suzuki - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Samantha Smith - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Katya Lycheva - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Greta Thunberg - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.

Your climate change pandemic is not only a religion as any other, but it is a silly religion.

When Trump leaves his office, the planet will cool down again. And even the climate change zombies will get back underground. So no need to worry.
In the future, when some other republican takes office in US, there will be another supposedly a virgin teen girl to lead the males on a new anti global warming cruzade.

For now, holywood is rulling the world. Hollywood and teen girls…

I found who started the global warming -


And since then the artctic commercial path started opening… maybe it was all planed by the russians… oh wait, "global warming due to human pollution" idea dates back to the 1900s, so nope.

“although relatively small for volcanic eruptions”…..

Another link from the church that is on the other side of the road, so nothing that comes from the church from the other side of the road is truth. No matter what. Anyways i share it.


It really only matters which churh you belong to.

An invention i personally like, but could never see mass production, because everybody is looking to the marketing of the wrong tech IDOL


It heats the interior of the car less and this could lead to less usage of power for the Air Conditioner too.

Hydrogen cars are not only NOT polluting, but they are filtering the air too. But hydrogen cars are not in the trend, because the WHOLE WHOOOOOOLEEEEEE trend is occuped by only one single car company.

So, excuse me if i not only don't believe in the sources of the global warming anti trump army, but i don't believe in their good intentions either.

If their intentions were honest, instead of a single billionaire becoming richer as we speak, these awesome world saving technologies would get more attention and would save us for REAL.

The rethoric did not change much since the hippies. “Corps are the evil. If there were no corps i would not have t ogo to work now. I am not working anyways.”

A “worried” environmentalist - “We need to reduce the population to save the planet!”
…People applauding hard…

Bill Gates - misunderstood to be saying - “reducing the population through a vaccine”
…People comparing him with the devil…

What changes? What is the logical explanation of these double standards? Explanation is people envy the rich people. That moves them to protest.

I don't side with rich or poor, with Trump or the Liberals, I just say i can see the real intentions of people.

NikiTo said:
You really just need to open a web browser and google about it. Nothing more than that.

I can't prove a negative. How about you post a link. You can spend so long posting nonsense, you can take a minute to post a link, since it's so easy for you.

Thousands of scientists claiming that global warming is BS is a fiction of your imagination and you can't (not won't) provide simple links, so you just say ‘google it yourself’. You're a joke.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

fleabay said:
I can't prove a negative. How about you post a link. You can spend so long posting nonsense, you can take a minute to post a link, since it's so easy for you.

I did.

Admins - I request moderation. I was directly and openly insulted here -

fleabay said:
You're a joke.

NikiTo said:

Joan of Arc - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Severn Cullis-Suzuki - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Samantha Smith - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Katya Lycheva - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Greta Thunberg - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.

But insulting random strangers is ok then?

Moderation can only mean to lock your favorite topics, and all the fun… noooo :O

JoeJ said:

NikiTo said:

Joan of Arc - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Severn Cullis-Suzuki - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Samantha Smith - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Katya Lycheva - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.
Greta Thunberg - teen girl, supposedly a virgin.

But insulting random strangers is ok then?

Moderation can only mean to lock your favorite topics, and all the fun… noooo :O

Who you think i insulted up there?
The “virgin” part is meant to make easier the comparison to a religion. Because in the vast majority of religions, a female virgin is the saint. A female virgin takes a role near to the very center of most of religions.
It started with Joan of Arc. And i see a repeating trend there.
When Greta gets older, do you think people will follow her like now? We will see. I think not.

NikiTo said:
Who you think i insulted up there? The “virgin” part is meant to make easier the comparison to a religion. Because in the vast majority of religions, a female virgin is the saint. A female virgin takes a role near to the very center of most of religions. It started with Joan of Arc. And i see a repeating trend there. When Greta gets older, do you think people will follow her like now? We will see. I think not.

… stuff like that, and you just have to deal with people saying it's ‘bullshit’. Don't take it personal - you are not the only one that receives some rant from fleabay. It's just him, it's just you - individuals and their personalities.

When Greta gets older, do you think people will follow her like now?

I did not follow her. If i would, i would be just one of those sycophants who think they do something good just by common agreement on some fashion. I do not care about such movements or trends. But this is another problem and does not prove anything about the topic itself. Like many of your arguments, it's more your personal religion than a related proof about climate change being a lie.

NikiTo said:
I did

And yet again, you didn't even bother reading your own link. Sorry, saying “you are a joke” is not an insult but a damn fact. Here, let me once again do that reading part for you (from the very same “Oregon petition” wikipedia-article you posted):

Some consider it to be a political petition designed for disinforming and confusing the public about the scientific results and the consensus of climate change research.[1]

The list has been criticized for its lack of verification, with pranksters successfully submitting the names of Charles Darwin, a member of the Spice Girls and characters from Star Wars, and getting them briefly included on the list.[9]

In 2001, Scientific American took a random sample "of 30 of the 1,400 signatories claiming to hold a Ph.D. in a climate-related science."

Of the 26 we were able to identify in various databases, 11 said they still agreed with the petition — one was an active climate researcher, two others had relevant expertise, and eight signed based on an informal evaluation. Six said they would not sign the petition today, three did not remember any such petition, one had died, and five did not answer repeated messages. Crudely extrapolating, the petition supporters include a core of about 200 climate researchers – a respectable number, though rather a small fraction of the climatological community.[28]

Former New Scientist correspondent Peter Hadfield said that scientists are not experts on every topic, as depicted by the character Brains in Thunderbirds. Rather, they must specialize:

In between Aaagard and Zylkowski, the first and last names on the petition, are an assortment of metallurgists, botanists, agronomists, organic chemists and so on. ... The vast majority of scientists who signed the petition have never studied climatology and don't do any research into it. It doesn't matter if you're a Ph.D. A Ph.D in metallurgy just makes you better at metallurgy. It does not transform you into some kind of expert in paleoclimatology. ... So the petition's suggestion that everyone with a degree in metallurgy or geophysics knows a lot about climate change, or is familiar with all the research that's been done, is patent crap.[29][30]

That last part is the key of the matter. Simply PhD does not make you a relevant source of input on the topic of “climate change”. So the amount of scientists with relevant background is incredibly small. And sure, you'll find scientists that belive in nonsense all the time. That still does not mean that every scientific topic is like a coin-flip; if you look at all the sources you usually get a good picture of whats the plausible case and whats just some ungrounded bullshit that a few braindead individuals are spewing up.

So I mean for christs sake. Can you at least READ your own fucking articles before you post them? Or else please just shut up, because you are not adding anything to that debate outside of your own ignorance.

@juliean That's why i put a second link there you ignored on purpose -

It is meant to show both sides use the same technique of deception and as i said in the same comment it is a matter of religious choice whom to believe.

It requieres a certain amount of IQ to can understand more abstract things in the human language. Having a high reputation from liking the comments of the others of your mob and they liking your comments back doesn't prove you have this required amount of IQ.

You are just an user that maybe was here for the last 15 years. Reputation makes you not clever.

If i am going to insult you i don't need direct insults. I hope you have what is needed to understand human language of a slightly higher level than the one you are used to use in your daily life.

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