
C++ Newbes Wanted

Started by January 03, 2002 06:44 AM
59 comments, last by j8l5s 22 years, 8 months ago
Thank you guys for all your help but please take a step back and let me organize everything then I''ll send you all an e-mail with a place to meet and we''ll go from there. I thank you for all your doing subnet but please wait for me befor doing any more. Right now we have about 40 people that are in this and they all want differnt things. We have people that are very new to C++ and experts with 3+ years exp. Once agin thank you all but youll have to wait one more day to get started, sorry for the incovence. Right now I would sugest that eveyone get a yahoo acount we will most likly be going through there for the next couple of days.
Sorry if this is an inconvenience to you but I would also like to join. However, since I have very limited experience I can't make any commitments. Also, I have a website ( that we could use, but I'm sure others have better sites to use.

Name - Kyle Clark
Age - 15
C++ Experience - About a week
E-mail -

Edited by - TechWins on January 5, 2002 5:36:50 PM
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" - JFK
im interested too

been programming in c++ for 3mths now
Location: Malaysia
age: 15

btw, wat would this exactly be??? a club? an online community with websites, webrings and forums???
Error C0000: No dirty 4 letter words allowed
-=Idiot of the Net=-
what the heck, why not. it''ll be more fun than a learning expierience but anything to get me away from the gdnet forums.

Name - Keith

Expierience - 2/3 years C++, acouple months with SDL, some OpenGL.

Email adress -

i am basically pretty good in c++, so i would probably be more helping than learning, but i would like to see other peoples methods, etc, plus working with a team expierience isn''t something i have had. also, if you guys are interested in working on a small game in the future, i could help you all learn sdl. its so simple, it''ll only take weeks to learn.

so email me if you are interested.

Simple DirectMedia Layer:
Main Site - (
Cone3D Tutorials- (''s Tutorials - (Here)
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Join me in
I have A LOT of theory in advance graphic programming but not much programming experience. I guess l read to much but not program enough. But if you still want me l''m here for you
I''m in! I''ve had about 4 months of programming experience in C++, and I can also do 2d art. I have a little bit of experience with web design, too. Please email me at

I''m in.

Name : Mark Ulrich
Experience : 2 1/2 years of C; about a month of serious C++
Email :

If you''d would like to join and have not yet gotten an e-mail please come to are first meeting tomarow(1/6/02) at 8am(pst). All members are erged to come as well. It will be held in a yahoo chat room: "computers&internet/userchatrooms/C++ Game Dev". I''m looking forward to talking to you all!
I just found out that in order to get to the yahoo chat room for the meeting to day you must have yahoo messenger. This is a free download, you can get it at . To get to the room once it has beed downloaded and installed just open it up sing in(or get a yahoo ID) then click on the message icon in the messenger, then int the window it brings where it says "to:" type "J8l5s", then in the box next to the send button type "C++ Group" and then puss the send button, after that there will be a popup that says j8l5s has invited you to a room click yes then you will be taken to it. Hope to see you all there!

Edited by - j8l5s on January 6, 2002 8:49:44 AM

Edited by - j8l5s on January 6, 2002 10:32:30 AM

Edited by - j8l5s on January 9, 2002 11:32:33 AM
Count me in.
Experience about 1.5 years

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