
BaXtErS in the house, wanna make games

Started by January 25, 2002 09:32 AM
45 comments, last by BAXTERS 22 years, 7 months ago
quote: Original post by BAXTERS
hello les here, i do the gifs and mine was the cool3d which is dithered.
and i dint take knidly to you slagging off my gif.

And I dont take kindly to people making flash programs whose sole purpose is to bog down someones computer.

And I can not see how anyone could consider your site professional looking, when the most advanced thing you have is that damned ball thing follwing your mouse all the time. I had flash for 3 days and I was doing things INFINANTLY more complex than that.
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
hey d00dz ! REALX!
Les, (this is Glen here) just got a bit upset cos his CoolMetal gif was one of his favourites!

None of you guys have signed the guestbook, and what about answering my questions in the 1st post??????


YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology
"I''''m goin'''' in" Luke Skywalker
STAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology-=={{{NOMACS}}==--"I''m goin'' in" Luke SkywalkerSTAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
i bet flash is done in java.
by the way you can do gifs in c++ but they look gay.
i bet i can do better flash than you you liar.

i challenge you to a flash-down!.

YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology
"I''''m goin'''' in" Luke Skywalker
STAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology-=={{{NOMACS}}==--"I''m goin'' in" Luke SkywalkerSTAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
Les and terebits are going to have a Flashdown??? Like the SAS: who darez winz!!!


YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology
"I''''m goin'''' in" Luke Skywalker
STAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology-=={{{NOMACS}}==--"I''m goin'' in" Luke SkywalkerSTAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
quote: Original post by BAXTERS
by the way you can do gifs in c++ but they look gay.

C++ is a programming language, not a graphics manipulation application. You can write code to display GIFs, but you can''t "do" (as in create) GIFs in C++ (other than programmatically, but that''s obviously over your head).

More importantly, could you and your "twin" brother register separate usernames? This split-personality account is a bad idea on a website, where your username is all we can identify you by.

Lastly, please read the site FAQ; it contains valuable information on how to use the forums and how to behave in them.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
I enjoyed your website baxter boys. Keep up the good work.
I''d like to share this with everyone else here as it inspired me.

"Quote from the BaXtStErS webpage"

Hi im Les,
A poem by les baxter.


a gif, a gif, on my screen,
dithered, web-safe, the image is clean.
a jpeg, a jpeg, over compressed,
it''s colours weak, i''m not impressed.

quote: Original post by BAXTERS
1 ASP and C are pretty similar, like i can understand c from my ASP experience, but is there a good way to transfer code direct (''tho ASP doesn''t support OPENGL yet!! )

already answered for you...
quote: 2 What are good books?

click the "search" icon at the top right of this screen, and search the forums. there are many many posts that suggest good books for all sorts of different programming topics.
quote: 3 I wanted to use --==BAXTERS==-- (my usual format) 4 my username but wasn''t allowed it, why not? other users have such symbols.

probably because the guys who programmed it were hoping this wouldn''t become a haven for 37337 haX0rs... most of the people here are into game design, not who has the best/most unreadable handle and messages...
quote: 4 If you need any extra habnds moderating then i love moderation, believe me!!!

i have no say in this, but i doubt it...
quote: from one code dood to another, serious.

well, if i ever was a "code dood" i no longer want to be one...

by the way, if you keep typing like an 37337 haX0r you are most likely only going to be ignored or flamed.

--- krez (
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
Hey Baxter,

Your quote is quite _WRONG_.

A) Return of the Jedi was released in 1983.
B) Your quote is from A New Hope (released in 1977)
C) Your quote claims its from 1984.

How can your quote be from 1984, when the final movie of the series (Return of the Jedi) was released in 1983, thus making it impossible to have a quote from the movie past that year. And secondly, why would the quote be so late when in fact your quote was taken from A New Hope (more commonly just called "Star Wars" or "The Original", which was released six years before (in 1977) Return of the Jedi and SEVEN years before your alleged quote taking time.

Something doesn''t add up. Fix your year.
Listen up, mr, this is a serious forum for discussing game programming, man you are right though! sooo right!!

You remind me a bit of the the guy who complained about my home made Cyberman costume at Stars Wars Con, London circa 1990
l8rs dood, and thanks for picking up on that point. I shall make the neccesary changes when I have a spare min (giff''d off my feet at the mo!)
Glen X

YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology
"I''''m goin'''' in" Luke Skywalker
STAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=YO YO THE BAXTER BOYS: CHECK OUT THE GIF MulTiMeDiA design, gif and Flash and asp technology-=={{{NOMACS}}==--"I''m goin'' in" Luke SkywalkerSTAR WARS (Dir. George Lucas, 1984)
Hate to be so blunt and offensive, but hey, I''m in that mood tonite!

also I am a top web constructor, and know HTML pretty well too.

Um, I saw your website. I hope you must be kidding. That is utterly basic HTML, lacking any form of style or a sensible design approach, not to mention it''s disgusting color scheme that clashes in every possible way.

Let''s look at your main page. You have a message box, when it first loads, which is a No-No from the start. Who the hell wants to have to see a MessageBox appear every single time they refresh a site, filled with mispelled words and alot of exclamation points. You take use of basic HTML tables, which is arguably fine, but to call yourself a "top web constructor" because you can slap a fucking table together with 5 lines of code, is nonsensical.

How about your graphics? Look at your banner. It looks like you took a paintbrush tool in some graphics program and sloppily hand drew some fucking curves with your mouse. Get real. Top notch? Nay.

And your obsessive nature with GIFS. GIFs are fine, but they are overly obsolete in how you seem to believe they should be used. At most, GIFs are currently still used for smaller iconic or symbol based graphics that come in an abundance on a page. Their small size makes the loading of the page more efficient by decreasing the time it takes for Internet Explorer''s multiple connections to every single finish downloading, or caching, what have you.

Your gifs are horrible. Your "space holder" gif (please define what the hell that means), is nothing more than a half-assed fireball of some sort that moves on a diagonal line for a whopping..uh..4 frames? Then a tiny piece of red text quickly enlarges (whoaaaa..hard stuff) for about 3 frames.

Uh, you have a GIF of a chicken on top of a tiny gradient box, both of which can easily be copied from the internet or created in the average graphics program (a single point and click in Adobe Photoshop, for instance.) that does nothing more than..slide across it''s GIFspace. Seriously, give me a break. Not only is it blatantly ugly, it also serves no function or purpose, and doesn''t take the slightest shred of skill (I''m saying this because you call it your hall of fame of GIFs or whatever).

1 ASP and C are pretty similar, like i can understand c from my ASP experience, but is there a good way to transfer code direct (''tho ASP doesn''t support OPENGL yet!! )

What are you babbling about? ASP and C serve 2 completely different functions. One is web-based, the other can serve a plethora of purposes.

And both languages are not similar at all in their syntax/semantics either. Look at 2 snippets of code in both languages:

  (ASP)<%Dim connconn    = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source="& _              Server.MapPath("mydata.mdb") & "PWD=yourpass"%>  

  char *str;str = new char[MAX_SIZE]strcpy(str, "hello");  

Where do you see any type of similarity? ASP is closest to Visual Basic and/or Jscript.

And uh, sorry bud, I don''t see Active Server Pages supporting OPENGL any time soon.

i bet flash is done in java.
by the way you can do gifs in c++ but they look gay.
i bet i can do better flash than you you liar.

Uh..what? How fucking dumb are you. Flash is done in FLASH. Do you even comprehend what it is? It is simply a program (Macromedia Flash) that can create vector-based graphics, complex animations, and supports some limited procedural scripting. Java has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

And yes, you can make GIFs in C++, but I don''t see how they look "gay". C++ was not made to be a fucking award-winning graphics program. You shouldn''t even be using it to make a GIF in the first place.

anyway i do flash now and it''s better than c because it''s vector and not text so there.

Christ, you progressively sound stupider and stupider as you speak. How can Flash be better than C? You''re fucking comparing apples and oranges. FLASH IS A GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA ENVIRONMENT. C is a fucking programming language.

And how does Flash''s usage of vector graphics have any correlation with C''s usage of..anything whatsoever? Do you honestly believe that all there is to C is fucking text? Yes, I guess C is one of the most popular and powerful languages in the world because all it can do is fucking display text. I''m not even going to try and explain anything further to you.

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