
3D Studio Max: PC or Mac

Started by February 13, 2002 02:50 PM
12 comments, last by digitalatari 22 years, 6 months ago
Which would you recommend and why? Im looking to buy a new computer soon. Any help is much apprecitated. Thanks. digitalatari.
I would use the one for the os that you are more comfortable with. If you are equally comtortable with each one, the choose a mac and get an iPod.
Do they make a version of 3D Studio Max for the Mac. If they do, it''s news to me.
This is in response to the statement that ''if one is equally familiar with the Mac OS and Windows, then go with the Mac iPod.''

Out of curiosity, why would you choose to go with a Mac over a PC? If you are equally familiar, I would think that you would get more rendering power (powerful processors, high FSB''s and high memory bandwidth) and more usability (latest and greatest in vid card technology) from the PC.

A PC running a professional level card (such as FireGL2) would, of course, be a great solution. But seeing as how the card costs around $900 alone, I think its also not the most economical solution. Otherwise, the GeForce3 (Ti200/500) or GeForce4 (Ti 4600 or 4400) would be a good solution as well. The Mac''s, however, use a GeForce4 MX to my knowledge. And while the MX is a decent card, it certainly doesn''t compare to the Ti series.

So, in a long-winded sort of way, what I''m asking is: why choose a Mac?

As a disclaimer, I''ll add that I''m genuinely interested in knowing what Mac''s offer. I''m really not trying to bash the Mac.

Charles Galyon
Charles GalyonPresidentNeoPong Software, Inc.
"I would use the one for the os that you are more comfortable with. If you are equally comtortable with each one, the choose a mac and get an iPod. "

How does an iPod fit in with wanting to know if 3DS works with a PC?

P.S. I''ve used iMacs. In my opinion, THEY SUCK.
There is no Mac version of 3DS MAX. Never has been, and the last time I talked to the Kinetix reps at GDC they said there never will be.

If someone has information to the contrary I''d love to hear it! But Kinetix/Discreet hasn''t been Mac-friendly for as long as I''ve known them.

For the Mac (as far a big players) you have Lightwave, Cinema4D and ElectricImage, with several smaller less full-featured players as well. But no Max. Maya is coming out for OSX, though, but I don''t have a release date (and don''t care since I can''t afford Maya anway lol!).

ps. you''re not going to run any of the above on the iPod! LOL!

Sincerily, but MAC is good for nothing.. have a nice gabinet but is not good, don''t have a enought hardware/software and is far expensive that a pc-athlon.

I recommend :
-Athlon XP (ddr) or Intel P-4 (with rambus), Max have some optimization for Pentium but i think it is only marketing between kinectic-intel.
-512 megas, but i live happy with 256. REPEAT. Not p-4 + DIMM = this sux!.
-Windows XP Pro OR Win2K.
-A medium graphics card, Asus-Geforce2 or Ati-Radeon. I heard some rumours about some poor model of geforce4. In any case a graphics card don''t made a fast render, graphics card is only useable in the edit process, so if you buy a expensive you can gain nothing.
-A good MS-Intellimouse optical mouse *WITH* sidescroll.
-A Fast harddisk, 7200rpm minimus.


"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
Heh, go with either. Personally, I prefer macs. Get a nice G4 And yeah, IPods are great. Also, if you wind up with a powerbook, get an airport

In the long run, experience with either won''t matter. If you go into a large enough company, you won''t use either. Probably a silicon graphics machine that none of us could ever afford

With me, I have a PC, and I''m getting a powerbook. So I''ll have both as necessary ;p

- T
- T. Wade Murphy
Btw, some G4s come with the Geforce 4 Ti, although I''m not sure if those models are shipping yet. I really think the high end macs are nice machines. The biggest problem is the lack of 3D Studio Max. Of course you can get Maya which is better, but most of us don''t have that kind of money.
quote: Original post by eng3d
I recommend :
-Athlon XP (ddr) or Intel P-4 (with rambus), Max have some optimization for Pentium but i think it is only marketing between kinectic-intel.

It''s not only marketing that 3ds max is optimized for the P4, but regardless the Athlon is still faster with max. And as has been said previously. Don''t get a Mac if you want to use 3ds max.


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